열 넷

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Yunho came over as soon as his classes were over.

The trio sat in the living-room, Wooyoung and Jongho on the couch in their same spots while Yunho sat on the floor on a pillow in front of the two.

They'd just gotten done explaining the whole situation to Yunho, and to be completely honest he was terrified.

Were these guys some random gang members that wanted to pick on people? Were they out to get Mingi and his friends?

"I'm just glad you guys are alright. That must've been so scary" Yunho said with his knees pulled to his chest as he looked between his friends with sad puppy dog eyes.

"I think we'll be okay. Like I told Woo Hyung earlier, who would come back after having a gun being drawn on them, right?" Jongho said, Yunho humming in agreement.

"That was pretty much it. They got away and no one knows who they even are" Wooyoung huffed, slouching back against the couch.

"You know, I think it might be best we walk you to class from now on, just to be extra safe" Yunho said to Wooyoung.

"You guys don't have to but I appreciate it though" Wooyoung said with a small smile, Yunho rubbing his knee in a comforting motion.

There was then an akward and uncomfortable silence. To Jongho it was at least.

He could feel the questions on Wooyoung's tongue, just waiting to be asked.

Right on que, Wooyoung turned his body slightly so that he could face Jongho better.

"Fuck, here goes nothing" Jongho thought to himself.

"So.. Remember we agreed that you'd tell us what's going on with you and Mingi, right?" Wooyoung started, Yunho looking at him confused.

"Yeah Woo, that was only if something was going on and if he was comfortable telling us" Yunho chimed in, Wooyoung rolling his eyes and waving his hand.

"Yeah yeah yeah, well, considering everything that has happened today, I think we deserve some more information. Like.. What just happened back there in Mingi's room?" Wooyoung questioned the youngest, Jongho looking down while biting his bottom lip. Wooyoung placed his hand on Jongho's knee, stopping it from bouncing.

He hadn't even notice when he had started.

Yunho looked at Jongho with wondering eyes.

"What is he talking about, jongho? What happened?" Yunho asked with a tiny pout. He looked super innocent and his fluffy blonde and pink hair only intensified it.

Jongho took a deep breath knowing it was now or never.

"Well, nothing really happened. We just talked and-".

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