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Monday had finally arrived.

Jongho dreaded getting out of bed, not wanting to deal with anything. He had a rough week already and school was only gonna make things worse.

He had no choice though. His parents were counting on him to get through college and he didn't want to let them down. They were paying fir everything after all, it's the least he could do.

Jongho sat up in bed with a huff. He read the clock; 7:10am. His first class started at 8:30 and was only in the building across the street. "I might as well shower" Jongho said to himself, getting out of bed and grabbing his clothes for the day. After his shower, he quickly got dressed and did his hair. He wore a black plaid long sleeve shirt with black ripped jeans and his hair parted to the side. He dadded a little bit of pink lip balm to tint his lips and a tad bit of blush.

Jongho never really wore much makeup unless he was performing onstage, but today was the first day of school. He could look homeless every other day after today.

He walked out of his room but stopped to look at Mingi's door. He wondered if he was awake or feeling better enough to go to his classes today. Jongho was a theater major and a freshman, so he was sure they'd have different classes and times to go in, but he really wanted to make sure the older was at least feeling better.

He grabbed Mingi's doorknob, twisting it slowly as his door unlocked. When he peeked inside, Mingi was nowhere to be seen. Where the hell is he?

He walked in further, looking around for any clues as to where he might've been. He hadn't heard the footsteps behind him as he turned around and was met face to face with the male he was searching for. Jongho yelped, startled by his sudden appearance.

"Why are you always in my room?" Mingi asked with his arms crossed. His skin didn't look as pale anymore and his bruises on his jaw and the corner of his mouth weren't too noticable. He looked a lot better and that made Jongho feel more at ease.

"Sorry Hyung, I just came to check up on you. Are you okay? How's your stomach?' Jongho asked, walking up to Mingi to gently rub his thumb across the corner of his lip, then trailed it down to his jaw. "I have more makeup if you wanna cover these up".

Mingi placed a bigger hand over Jongho's smaller one. "I'm okay. I just got out of the bathroom and took more meds for my stomach. Other than a slight pain in my ribs, I feel fine. I'll be okay without any makeup" Mingi reassured him. He kept his hold on Jongho's hand as he stared down at him, his eyes soft, scanning Jongho's appearance.

"You look pretty".

Jongho looked up at him with big eyes. Did Mingi just call me.. Pretty?

Jongho could feel his cheeks heating up. Thank goodness he was already wearing blush.

GUILTY | Jongho x Mingi FF (JonGi) |Where stories live. Discover now