Chapter Twelve: The Wedding

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Two months later.....

My son C.J. is now two months old and the wedding is this weekend. Sam wanted to throw me a bachelor party. So I let her and I told her no strippers. It's Thursday night and Sam had everything planned for tomorrow night. Brenda's mother will watch the baby because her sister is planning a bachelor party for her. I hope there won't be any strippers at her party. I can be very jealous sometimes and Brenda thinks it's cute, but I don't think so.

Sam: Alright, I wrote a list of things for the party.

Me: Like what?

Sam: Like beverages, food, entertainment, music...

Me: What kind of entertainment?

Sam: I don't know. Maybe, uh.... Strippers?

Me: Sam! I told you no strippers!

Sam: Oh, come on! A party ain't fun without strippers.

Me: Let me ask you this. How would Diane feel if you had strippers at your bachelor party?

Sam: Oh, She wouldn't mind. She would understand that I'm having one last night out with my friends because she knows when we're married, we can't do stuff like that anymore.

Me: Alright! You can invite strippers to the party. At least two strippers and no more.

Sam: Okay!

Me: Here's a list of my buddies from work. The phone numbers are in the phone book.

Sam: Gotcha! This party is gonna be off the hook. I can't wait!

Me: What else could go wrong?

Friday night....

I kissed my son good night as he slept in his crib. I watched his little chest move up and down as he breathes. I could watch him sleep all night instead of going to the party. He's my everything and I love him so much. Brenda walked in as I continued to watch C.J.

Brenda: (sighs) He is too cute. I could just watch him all night. I hate being away from him.

Me: Yeah, me too.

Mrs. Styles: Hey kids! Are you supposed to be going out tonight?

Brenda: Yes, mom, but I can't stand being away from my baby.

Mrs. Styles: Oh, don't you worry. My grandbaby will be just fine.

Me: I gotta go. Sam's waiting for me.

Brenda: Me too. Angie's waiting too.

We kissed each other goodbye and left the house. Sam was waiting for me in her car. So I got in her car. Sam took me to a club that I have never been to before.

Me: Sam, I hope you got an I.D. You're only 20 years old and you're not old enough to drink.

Sam: I had a friend of mine from work to make me a fake I.D.

Me: Your ass is going to be in trouble for that.

Sam: Damn, Charlie! Being a parent sure made your ass soft!

Me: Fool, I ain't soft! I'm Bad-Ass Charlie, remember? I took your ass to a gay club when we were 16 and 17. My cousin got us some fake I.D.s and we got drunk. Remember that?

Sam: (laughs) Yeah, I still remember that shit! You couldn't get over Trisha so you wanted to do something wild and stupid. My mama wore my ass out for that time! I was hurting for days, man!

Me: (laughs) mines too! Why you had to bring up Trisha's name?

Sam: My bad!

Me: Don't sweat it! I'm over her now.

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