Chapter Two: Starting A New Life

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As we settled on the plane we heard the flight attendant say, "We'll be arriving in California in two days." So I was feeling a little bored and I wanted to ask Charlene something.

Me: So what are we gonna do in California?

Charlene: I don't know. I guess we could look for an apartment to rent and then we could find a job.

Me: Yeah, we could do that. Once I have enough money saved up, maybe I can go to trade school or something. I like working with my hands so maybe I'll be a welder.

Charlene: Maybe I could own a barber shop.

Me: Hey, who knows? Maybe we will meet some fine ladies in California. You know what I'm saying?

Charlene: (chuckles) Yeah! I'm down with that! Maybe we can hit the strip clubs too!

Me: Hell yeah! I'm all for that!

Charlene: First we need a job, then we'll go look for an apartment.

Me: Okay then! Let's find a newspaper stand when we get there. I'm sure we can find jobs and a place to stay.

Charlene: Good idea! Damn! That flight attendant is fine as wine!

Me: (Chuckles) She sure is! Excuse me, Miss?

Flight Attendant: Yes?

Me: Could I get something to drink, please?

Flight Attendant: What would you like to drink?

Me: I'll take a cherry coca cola, please!

Flight Attendant: And you, sir?

Charlene: Uh, Water will be fine, thank you.

Flight Attendant: I'll be back with your drinks in a moment.

Me: Charlene? Did she just call you sir?

Charlene: Yeah, and I liked it.

Me: (chuckles)

The flight attendant brought us our drinks and placed them on our trays. She walked back to the room and I took a sip of my drink.

Charlene's POV

I can't believe it! We are going to California and I don't have much money. As I sit on this plane, I can't help but wonder what is on going through my mother's head but I don't really care. For the first time, I felt happy and I could put a smile on my face. I couldn't do that back home because I felt miserable and unhappy. My mother has no idea how hard it is for me now. I'm glad I left and I'm glad my best friend Sam is with me. I haven't told Sam this yet, but I'm planning to get some surgery done. I want my breasts removed. I've always wanted pecs like my idol Shemar Moore. I figured since I have some money saved and once I get a job to save up some more money, I should have the surgery by the end of this year. I've been working since I was 16 years old at the grocery store. I have about 5,000 dollars in the bank and $500 dollars in my wallet. I made sure I took my ATM card with me because it's all the money I have. Anyways, I couldn't believe the flight attendant called me sir. I've been called all kinds of names back home, but never Sir. I actually liked it. I drank all of my water and put on some music to help me sleep.

The Next Day.......

Sam's POV

I woke up and the pilot says that we'll be arriving in California tomorrow. I checked the time on my iPhone and it was 6 am. I woke up Charlene and I told her what the pilot said.

Charlene: Great! I can't wait to get in a real bed.

Me: Me too, and some real breakfast. I hope they make good food in California. What part of California are we going to?

Charlene: San Francisco.

Me: I guess we can check into a hotel or something.

Charlene: Yeah, we could do that.

Flight Attendant: Would you like some refreshments?

Charlene: Uh, no thank you.

Flight Attendant: What's your name?

Charlene: My name is Charles.

Flight Attendant: Well Charles, let me know if you need anything.

Charlene: Okay.

Me: My name is Charles?

Charlene: Shut up, Sammie.

Me: Man, you ain't call me that since I was eleven. I think the girl likes you and she thinks you're a dude.

Charlene: So? She seems nice.

Me: Wait until she finds out that you're really a woman!

Charlene: She won't.

Me: Of course she will!

Charlene: She won't find out and I won't be a woman for long.

Me: What do you mean?

Charlene: Nothing.

Me: Come on, Charlene! You can tell me. I'm your friend.

Charlene: Okay. I'm planning on having a sex change. I'm gonna have my breasts removed and I'm gonna become a man like I've always wanted to.

Me: You're gonna become a man with a you know what?

Charlene: Yep!

Me: I don't care what you do. All I want is for you to be happy and that you'll always be my best friend woman or man. I'll support you no matter what.

Charlene: Thank you so much, Sam. That means a lot to me and I appreciate you supporting me through this.

Me: No problem! So when you become a man, I'm supposed to call you Charles?

Charlene: Yep!

Me: Can I call you Charlie instead?

Charlene: Yeah.

There was nothing much to do on this plane and I wished that tomorrow would get here faster.

The next day....

Flight Attendant: Attention Everyone! We'll be arriving in San Francisco, California in about three hours.

Me: This is it!

Charlene: Yeah! I can't wait!

Me: Me either! I'm so hungry!

Charlene: That's all you do is eat!

Me: Aw Shut up, Charlie!

Charlene: (laughs) I'm just joking with ya!

Twenty minutes later......

We finally arrived and the plane landed. Everyone grabbed their bags and exited the plane. So We grabbed our bags and walk to the door. We walked down the steps and I felt the warm air against my skin. It was humid and sticky. We walked out of the plane and I looked at Charlie and asked her something.

Me: So Charlie, what do we do now?

Charlene: Let's rent a car for now.

Me: Cool. Then we get some breakfast. I hope they have an Ihop here cause I'm in the mood for some pancakes.

Charlene: Alright, let's grab a cab first and then will go to an Ihop. Afterwards we'll rent a car then get a hotel for the night.

Me: You thought of everything, huh?

Charlene: Yep!

So we called a cab and we were on own in a different world. We went to grab some breakfast and then we went to a hotel to check in. Tomorrow is another day and we decided to go and explore the city afterwards. When we went into our hotel rooms, the first thing we did was put our bags down and lay in our beds until we went to sleep.

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