Chapter Eight: The Proposal

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It's been six months since my final surgery. I went to the doctor for a check-up and got a prescription for my shots that I have to take everyday. My voice is deeper and I got facial hair. I've been working out to build my muscles up. I eat healthy everyday. I go to the gym to workout everyday and weekends. Brenda loves my body and she loves how sexy I look. We have been together for almost a year now. I can't imagine my life without her. I'm still working two jobs and what Brenda and Sam don't know is I have been applying to some colleges here in California. I wanna do something to provide for Brenda. I'm applying for financial aid and I hope to get a scholarship too. I took the SATs in high school and I passed, but I didn't tell anybody about it. I got a 4.0 grade average in high school. My dream is to own my business someday. I'm thinking of owning a shop. I have a natural talent at cutting hair. I cut Sam's hair for free. I can do all the latest designs, fades, hi-top, low-top, mohawks, and trims. For now, I'm gonna save up for a ring.

The next day I went back to work and my co-workers missed me. Now that I'm back at work, Sam's been getting more days off. She's extremely happy about that. Sam's date with Diane went great as planned. I've been working hard and rarely have time to see Brenda. It's Saturday morning and I was sitting on the couch drinking orange juice while watching TV. The phone rang and Sam answered it.

Sam: Hey, it's for you!

Me: How do you know that?

Sam: Because it's always for you.

Me: Yeah, that's true. It's probably Brenda.

Sam handed the phone to me and I answered it.

Me: Hello?

Woman: Hello? May I speak to Charles Gibson?

Me: Speaking?

Woman: Hi! This is Karen Jackson from University of California. I'm calling to tell you that you have been accepted and you're eligible for financial aid. Also, you will be given your scholarship when enrolled on September 25th. A letter will be sent to you tomorrow with information about the school, your schedule and you must bring your student ID. If you don't have one, then go to the library on campus and you will be given an ID. Congratulations and we are looking forward to see you here at the University of California.

Me: Oh my god! Thank you so much and I'm looking forward to it.

Karen: You welcome! You have a good day! Goodbye!

Me: You too! Yessss! Whooo!

Sam: Hey! What the hell is going on in here?

Me: Sam! Guess What?! I have been accepted to the University of California and I'm getting a scholarship!

Sam: No way! You serious?!

Me: Yes, Sam! I'm serious!

Sam: Whoooo-Hooo! Congrats dude! Charlie, there's something I have to tell you.

Me: What?

Sam: Well, I enrolled into trade school a month ago and I start in September!

Me: Doing what?

Sam: I'm going to be an electrician!

Me: That's great Sam!

Sam: Hey! What are you going to do?

Me: I'm going to open a barbershop someday and cut hair.

Sam: Free haircuts for me! Alright!

Me: Hell naw! You are paying just like everybody else. I don't want my customers complaining.

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