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To myself,

"You are a snake in the grass, slithering and sneaky, leaving a trail of venom wherever you go. Your deceitful ways are like the scales on your skin, protecting you from the truth and hiding your true nature. You are not the eagle soaring high, nor the lion roaring loud. You are the serpent that crawls low, seeking to harm others with your poisonous bite.

Your victims are like flowers in a garden, blooming with beauty and innocence, unaware of the danger lurking nearby. You are not the gardener that nurtures and cares for them, nor the bee that pollinates and spreads their fragrance. You are the pest that feeds on their petals, destroying their beauty and causing them to wither away.

Your fleshly lust is like a wildfire, burning everything in its path and leaving nothing but ashes behind. You are not the rain that nourishes the earth, nor the sun that warms it. You are the flame that consumes it, leaving nothing but destruction and despair.

Don't be a wolf in sheep's clothing, pretending to be something you're not. The more you try to hide your true nature, the more people will fall victim to your deception. You are not the hero that saves the day, nor the saint that forgives the sinners. You are the villain that creates chaos and destruction, leaving a trail of broken hearts and shattered dreams.

Instead, be the phoenix that rises from the ashes, transforming yourself into something new and beautiful. Let go of your deceitful ways and embrace the truth. You are not the caterpillar that crawls on the ground, nor the chrysalis that hides in the cocoon. You are the butterfly that spreads its wings and flies high, free from the chains of your past. Be the light that shines bright, illuminating the darkness and bringing hope to those around you."

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