4th August 2023

21 18 2

Tired of degenerating encounters,
tired of knitting lies;
and tired of not being able to grow that hatred.
Tired of bursting out somewhere else.
Tired of losing all.
Tired of getting abandoned.
Losing all with a hollow ache leaning on an abandoned heart and seems like a bond did break.

Lyf is so unfair, taking things who got nothing to start with.
Lyf is so unfair, giving things who already got everything right in the beginning.
Tired, standing on this same shattered ground;

There's a cluster of ribbons getting tangled inside,
will continue to redraw this obscene show digitally after a while.

Now it's just some random brush strokes,
cz the words aren't enough this time.
One day will definitely remove the sickness from the root, thinking of it as a negative sign.

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