July 1 2023

18 19 0


A soul whispered words of relief.
I closed my eyes and heard the rain's melody,
But my careless words caused nothing but pain.

Oh, the wind blows strong, carrying regret,
I wish I could turn back, my faults to forget.
Through this windy melody, I seek to find,
A path to healing the wounds left far behind.

Someone's sadness echoed
through the gusts that blew,
A symphony of sorrow, a feeling I knew.
I shared unnecessary tales of strife,
Unaware of the impact, and the damage to that life.

Oh, the winds of remorse, they whip and howl,
As I reflect on my actions, my heart does prowl.
I yearn for forgiveness, a chance to amend,
To bring back the warmth, the bond we once penned.

In the swirling tempest, I seek redemption's grace,
To erase the pain, with the wind as my embrace.
Through this windy song, I bare my soul,
I hope forgiveness finds me,
making broken hearts whole.

I've learned the power of words,
how they can wound,
Like a gusty gale, they leave scars too soon.
But in the breezes of change, I'll strive to be kind,
To mend the hurt I caused, with the wind as my guide.

This windy song, a plea carried on the air,
To heal the hurt, to show that I care.
I bid you farewell, with a heavy heart sigh,
May the winds of forgiveness bring peace to the sky.

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