To my Tree hole

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...24-12-2021: _Pond's spirit_To my Tree hole...

My tree hole maybe is sealed with mud
and I hope secrets would stay forever.
I've met people who endure, endure and endure
until they explode.

Isn't it time which is like water?
It floats and it heals.
Isn't it time which is like life?
It floats and it deals.
Water is like time, time is like life.
something fresh and complicated.
But... so real.

Sometimes it's too hard,
it's too hard to step back.
I wanna step back, stop and breathe.

It was raining painfully that afternoon.
The windows were felt to be non-existent.
And I found a mirror in the heart for everything; precisely reflecting.
A barrier resided there, keeping up there
and is as elastic as ever.

I assumed it to be the last rain of the year,
taking me from cloudy to sunny.
Memory emerged from the beginning to the end, giving sudden turbulence.
This hallway looks very noisy.

Perhaps that place is also very noisy?
Will my tree hole still hear this noise from the other side of the land?

Time is like water, water is just like life.
Water is so serene, time has just fallen asleep.
Why bother about others' beliefs?
Dear tree hole, be safe and relieved,
that's enough for me.

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