8 May 2024

7 3 0

A person can die in many ways but still be alive.

Home is like a person
and a person is like a home.
A group of friends is like a palace
and I may not even be its sweeper.
A person can die in many ways but still be alive.

Now that I'm 21 , it technically proved,
I've been out of my teens for 3 years,
making me a 3-year-old.
Now I find a piece of paper
to be a piece of night.
Time lapse of the past 18 years,
may seem to me to be a flash of night;
This 3 year old is like the villain of a dark novel
And the past 18 years are
like a paper book of panic attacks.
A person can die in many ways but still be alive.

In loudness, I saw this quiet soul begging for some peace even though heart did not stop to weep,
Everyone needs a place; a spot
where the world grows for the soul to speak.
A person can die in many ways but still be alive.
I wish I could donate my sour life to someone who has something reasonable to live for.
I wish I could....

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