Dedicated to:01-06-2021

32 19 1

Have your tales ever flown with the fragrance of flowers?


I never knew the differences between beast's and humans. Both can feel nature. Both can love unconditionally, both can hate disrespectfully like something way too much stubborn. But I'm turbulent enough, I know. I can't feel the difference.

-"What are you doing in my thoughts?"_

•••It was messy here so I chose not to reply...

Proceeding with my thoughts. I thought again, I really wonder what the city will look like when the snow will start to fall and everything will be blanketed in white.

-"What are you doing?"_

•••It was messy here so I chose not to reply...

I gave a glance outdoors. A round moon hung high in the sky. the wind-chimes danced with the wind. Under the moonlight. its surface seemed to emanate a soft, pale glow.

I heard the sound of a needle-piercing flesh, followed by a muffled cry of pain.

Wherefrom the sound came? Why did I feel a sense of burning? I felt as if flames were coursing through my blood: gradually, my consciousness began to fade.


A small lamp emanated a pale yellow light, gentle and mild. It was a dream. Yeah, I was wandering in my dream.

All my eyes could see was the yellow sand of the desert. The desert was dry and hot, the sands were knocking me whenever a gust of wind blew across. The entire desert was empty and devoid of anything.

"So this is the beauty of the desert." I belong to the desert, to the wasteland.

"What are you doing?"_

•••It was messy here so I chose not to reply...

-A human life has countless memorable springs and autumns throughout his/her life_

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