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December 10th, 2023:

Definitely don't write a story about falling in love on Wattpad.


I met a girl a few months ago, almost a year, and she's the brightest person I've ever come across.

Talking to her was like getting your energy recharged and ready for the day. If you're feeling tired or stressed, or just bored out of your mind, she has the power to make the worst day become the best.

She would put a smile on my face without me even noticing.

She would talk and talk and talk, but I'd always end up wanting more and more and more cause she's that addictive.

We would have conversations about anything, and she wouldn't shy away from saying what she thinks. She has strong opinions but, at the same time, she also has the sweetest heart and would make sure everyone around her feels comfortable and heard, no matter how much they disagree.

She makes little squeaks whenever she's laughing too hard and it makes her look like the cutest squirrel.

Her eyes would tell how excited she is by the way they shine. It's hypnotizing, really. Sometimes I ask myself if she didn't find a way of stealing all the sun light to herself.

She's such an incredible girl.

She'd show her artistic side by making edits that are so good they even went viral (and for a good reason because she's THAT good). She just knows how to captivate her audience.

I'm living proof.

She would also make me cute drawings as I way of saying sorry whenever we would have an argument.

One day, we were challenging each other and hers was a breakfast recipe. She tried cooking something that required more ability than normal sandwiches for the first time and NAILED IT, even her mom complimented her skills. I mean, c'mon! I burned my first cake and I'm the self-proclaimed chef in this relationship.

She also showed me how she was good at creating melodies on the piano even tho she's never been to a class before and how she played the French horn too.

I don't think I've ever met someone who played horns.

Meanwhile, I tried learning guitar a while ago but you can figure out how it went...

And what about her writing skills? She's so good at describing things. She teleports me to the story, gives life to a text, and to anything she touches! And not only figuratively but my life as well.

It was like before her, colors were dull and everything was too boring, yet, I couldn't see anything wrong with it because I thought that's the way colors were supposed to be.

It only took her a few days to make everything brighter.

She made my world as vibrant as a neon palette.

I was going through a phase where I had to recover everything I lost after getting out of a dark place. A phase where I had to learn how to live instead of simply existing. I was learning how to get control over my own life so it made sense that I should put myself together first before meeting someone.

Then I met her and right in that moment I knew it wouldn't be as easy as I thought.

"Don't grow feelings for her," my mind would say "your life's a mess."

"Online dating doesn't work."

"How cute. She's gonna break your heart in two."

"Real love? On a writing platform? What a joke!" 

I knew I would have to face many insecurities and deal with some ugly monsters from my past that would try and come back to ruin what we have. Despite that being true and those monsters coming after us, she never gave up on me. She was there during every single moment and didn't let me go, even when I was being stubborn.

I met a girl who changed my perception of love.

Before her, I thought I knew what love is. I had been infatuated. I had read thousands of romances throughout my life. I had many crushes and I was attracted to them. I love my family and friends. I knew exactly how love is supposed to feel. Then why does loving her feel so much different from any experience I've ever had?

Love is meant to be selfless. Love is meant to make you recognize that you have things to work on. Is supposed to make you take into consideration the other's opinions and feelings instead of just trying to paint them as something they're not.

Love is supposed to bring the good and bad in you to keep them balanced.

When she came into my life, I realized no one made me feel this way.

Yeah, it's only been a year. Yeah, life can throw some really bad shit at us in the future and we'll have to face it. We might hurt each other in the process.
Yeah, there's a possibility of falling out of love. However, I'd rather believe and work on the opposite.

Love grows as we grow. People don't get to tell me how I feel when I know damn well that, before her, love was only an idea in my mind and now I know what it feels like.

It took the form of a girl with aquamarine eyes and caramel blonde hair, with the most captivating laugh and the sexiest voice.

And here I am, giving her pages of myself in the hope this will show how much I appreciate having her in my life.

I hope we have more years together and that I'll be there for her on her 21st birthday, the 30th, 40th, 50th, 60th, all the birthdays that will come in the future. I hope we can spend all of them together, with both of our families and friends.

Ah, most importantly!

I hope I can wake up in the morning of her next birthday to bring breakfast in bed and plan a whole surprise date.

It won't be a surprise "surprise" cause she'll probably be expecting it since I plan on turning it into a tradition, but the point is: she won't know what we'll be doing and I hope by the end of the day I can see her smile. That big and bright one. The same stunning smile that never fails to throw me off balance and makes me stutter.

I think I don't need you anymore, diary. Thank you for listening to my rants and witnessing the beginning of something amazing in my life.

Maybe I'll come back in a few months to tell you we broke up (which I hope won't ever happen).

Or maybe in some years to tell you about the s'mores we had in our wedding.

Maybe I'll even tell you about our kids.

And our grandkids.

One things is for sure: I'm willing to break any barrier (be it physical or mental) to be able to call her mine forever.

Wish me luck.

Until next time!

With love, Nini

This diary belongs to the girl who stole my heart and made me fall in love on Wattpad, out of all places, and with whom I plan on spending the rest of my life.

"Whatever anyone says, fall in love"
- Oh My God, (G)-idle

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