11 ;) (rewritten!!)

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Smut warning

Rascal's magenta eyes are your only light source in the darkened apartment. His hand reaches down to your leg to hook it over his waist, his tongue wrapped around yours. A very light moan escapes you, for a second you believe it was too quiet for the joker to notice, but of course nothing goes by him unnoticed after all.

"Now you have to admit dearie~" The joker whines through a break in the kiss, "that all that tension building up throughout the day was from the both of us wasn't it?"

"Uh-huh," you pant, your mouth against his - the instant he stops talking, "You win. I've missed you Rascal."

This really sets him off.

A warm buzz of electricity and purple smoke engulf the two of you and suddenly you find yourselves on your own bed. Rascal is still close, though you pull away for a second.

"Woah, what the – "

"Teleportation of course~"

"No I mean, you can teleport again? And me? Are you sure that – mfphh!"

Rascal shoves his hand over your mouth, feeling his sharpened nails claw your cheek. "No more questions, I promise I have everything under control!~" Then he leans into the crook of your neck, brushing his lips against the skin as he murmers, "I'll give you one last chance~ do you wish for me to stop (y/n)?"

He opens his mouth just wide enough so that his fangs can graze the side of your neck. Razor sharp – just like you remember. When he says your name, everything that you've been suppressing all day just comes undone at once, and you realise your body aches for him. It aches for the joker.

"You just say the word~"

"No," you shake your head, feeling your heart race. Rascal's ears perk back excitedly as he notices the increase of speed. Your hands find their way into his soft silky hair. You have always been a sucker for men with longer hair. Loving the touch, the jester sounds in pleasure against your neck. Then your neediness overtakes you and you grasp both hands to pull him in even closer. "Please don't stop." At once you feel his smile widen against you, he gasps your chin in one hand to turn your head for easier access to the side of your neck. He starts out by planting lingering kisses up your collarbone and neck, then once he notices a hitch in your breath when he comes across a certain sensitive spot, he leans even closer, pressing his body against yours and kisses it again. This time the joker parts his lips to give it a gentle suck.

Rascal enjoys the reaction this gets out of you, hearing you quietly exclaim "oh," and feeling your mouth part against his finger still cradling your jaw. Then he decides to add some tongue.

"Aughhh," you moan, fluttering your eyes shut as you indulge in the way Rascal's freakishly lengthy tongue adds to the growing stimulation.

"So, so needy for me little human~ And the fun's barely started!"

"O-okay, okay!" You exclaim, propping yourself up so that you lean against your bedframe. "Please," you lean in again, "please kiss me."

Slowly you lean in closer, but just as you get centimetres away from his lips, he backs off with a grin.

You scoff. "Tease!"

"Only needy sluts like you dearie~" The joker chuckles, booping your nose, enjoying how easily this wipes the smile off your face. "Look at you!" He continues. "I mean~ I've barely been back in your company longer than a week and look where you are..."

Your cheeks flush red, but you brush it off and try acting seductively. "This isn't just on me joker, you've done your fair share too."

But Rascal just whines, a pink magenta pulsing around his irises. "Just come here~" And he roughly kisses you, leading one hand into your hair and the other starts snaking down your chest. The two of you can't get enough! The feeling of his tongue roughly swirling around yours almost becomes too much to bare.

Into the Human Realm [Book II] Rascal x fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now