✦ Crowns: 0 - 5

846 41 19

"Marella speaking in the language of the melusines(basically teyvat language)(is used for UM's)"

*Pant*... *Pant*... "Leona, I did it! Did you see the broadcast?" "Yeah. That was nice work, Ruggie. So long, Malleus. This year, the throne is mine." Leona grinned. "Long live the king! Sha ha ha!"

"Long live the king! Hooray!"

Ruggie and the Savanaclaw students cheered. Soon after, Familiar people slipped out from behind a rock and approached them.

Riddle:"I believe we've heard enough." "?!" Ruggie and Leona were shocked at their sudden appearance. Leona quickly regained his composure before smirking when he saw Jack. "Well, well, if it isn't the Heartslabyul kids. And is that Jack?"
"You transfer to Heartslabyul on us, frosh?" ( What does frosh mean/genq)

"Nah. I just don't feel like celebrating the underhanded accomplishments of a bunch of cowards. And I also can't stand being with you all right now." He crossed his arms and frowned. "You filthy traitor!" Leona muttered in anger.

(Funfact, At the time of writing the part underneath this message, its current 9 november and 12 AM. I'm staying up because of this stupid ass long project the worst teacher ever gave me which is due Friday 👍 so... ehe?)

Riddle:"You have tarnished a proud Night Raven tradition." "As housewarden of Heartslabyul, a dorm focused on orderliness, I cannot possibly overlook this." Leona just scoffed at Riddle's statement. "Listen, kiddies-save your heroic speeches for someone who cares, all right?"

"Honestly, coming into our territory with only a handful of people... It's like you WANT a beating." Ruggie put his hand upto his grinning mouth.

"You want us to take care of 'em, Boss?"(the hell are you gonna do💀)

"Sure. Have a little fun with 'em."

Riddle smirked before chanting his Unique magic. "Off With Your Heads!"

"Urk... He's so strong."

"Man, housewardens are no joke."(they are housewardens for a reason my man😭)

"Hmph. Nothing but a lot of hot air. Ace, Deuce, are you all right?" Riddle turned to his freshmen. Ace put his hands up in the air while Deuce put his hands on his hips and smiled. "Yeah. That was nothin'." "You bet, sir!"

"Tch. I knew those chumps'd be no match for Riddle." Leona said in a disappointed tone. "Shyeheehee! Maybe not! But this doesn't change the fact that they were too late to save Diasomnia." Ruggie reassured Leona,but all was broken when 3 individuals also approached the Heartslabyul and Savanaclaw group.

"Oh? That's quite the interesting claim." "They seemed right on time to me." The green haired boy from earlier said standing along side a short black hair with pink highlights Diasomnia student.

"Indeed. It's thanks to them that not a single one of Diasomnia House's players got hurt." The silver hair from earlier also walked near the green haired boy. Ruggie was astonished. This couldn't possibly be possible.. "What? How?! I saw you get swallowed up by the stampede!" "Oh! About that..." Cater put his hand behind his neck.

"So it turns out those were actually duplicates of me, made with my signature Split Card spell." Cater explained. All Leona could mutter from shock was "What?"

Cater turned to the Black - pink haired Diasomnia student and smiled. "I must admit, I really dig those Diasomnia House outfits. They're so extra!"
"I'll DM you some of my selfies later." "Is that right? If I knew you were such a fan, I'd have gladly loaned you mine." The boy suggested. Cater sweatdropped. "Such a sweetheart! Though I think yours would be a little small for me."

Leona was pissed alright. "All right, can we get to the point?"

"Riddle and Yuu told us everything. So we had them put on that little charade for us." The black - pink haired boy explained with a grin. "So, then... Malleus?" Ruggie had a horrifying realisation.

"Oh, he's in top-top shape, of course!
He's been clearing up the chaos, using his magic to guide all the people safely back to the coliseum. You can thank him later." The green haired boy praised.

Ruggie:"H-how could this happen?!" "...Tch. Whatever. I don't even care anymore." Leona said in a monotone voice. Ruggie snapped his head to him shock. "What?"

Yuu, who was just listening in the background and letting others explain, even he spoke up. "Dude.. what are you about..?"

Leona huffed and crossed his arms. "I'm done. It's over." "Boss, what are you saying?!" "Are you even payin' attention? If Malleus is able to take the field then we got no chance of winning."
"There's no point even trying. I'm out." Leona explained to the flabbergasted Ruggie.

Ruggie: "Y-you can't just...!
Malleus might still be in the game, but we took out all the other dorms' best players, right?"
"But without you on the field, I don't even know if we'd have a shot at the top three!
You're just going to abandon our dreams?" Ruggie questioned him. He couldn't believe Leona just... Gave up like that.

"For all the talk about "the world watching," this is still just schoolkids playin' a game."
"All you wide-eyed tenderfoots talkin' about your dreams... Pfft. The whole thing amused me, so I threw you a bone. That's all this was." Leona merely laughed. The Heartslabyul/Ramshackle/Savanaclaw groups were shocked and confused hearing this while the Diasomnia group stood in silence.

"What do you mean? What happened to working together to "turn the world upside down"?" Ruggie pleaded. "Are you seriously still goin' on about that? All right, fine. You wanna hear the truth?"
"You're a hyena who grew up in a dump, and I'm a secondborn prince who won't ever be king."
"And there is NO turning that around!" Leona yelled at poor Ruggie.

"What the hell is wrong with him?? What's his problem??" Yuu couldn't help but wonder.

"What? You gotta be kidding me! What is this? You can't just quit after we've come this far!" Ruggie pleaded.

"You can't do this to us, Boss!"

"You're gonna play, even if we gotta drag you out there kicking and screaming!"

The Savanaclaw students protested to which Leona just scoffed."Bah, I'm so sick of this nonsense. Shut UP, you nobodies!"

Meanwhile with our Octa duo...

"There's so many people here Ev..." "So many injured people..." Freme and Everin were making their way through the crowd to the Coliseum.

"I pray to Focalors nothing goes wrong..."
Bro prayed so hard he had to call out Furina.(The melusines used to worship her but shifted to the Great seven)

Its 12:41 AM when I'm posting this,haha ha

Words: 1114

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