✦ Crowns: 0 - 8

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"Marella speaking in the language of the melusines(basically teyvat language)(is used for UM's)"

"Hey! Wake up!" Grim shook Leona who's eyes suddenly opened wide and he stood up and sat on the ground in a flash. "...Huh?"

Grim cheered "I did it! He's awake!
I was startin' to think you weren't ever gonna regain consciousness!"
"Now, hurry up and confess." "Wh... What?"

Crowley looked downwards to Leona before speaking. "Mr. Kingscholar."
"Your negative energies accelerated your blot accumulation, inducing an overblot episode."

"Do you not remember?"

Leona put his hand over his forehead in shock, because of what Crowley was telling him and also because of that... Person from before.

"Wait, ME...? I overblotted? No way..." "And more importantly, the Magirift tournament is about to begin." Grim reminded him.
"I'm gonna need you to confess that you're the culprit, so I'm allowed to enter!"

"Heh. If this is a joke, I ain't laughin'." Leona put his Hands down onto the ground. "The headmage got Grim's group to investigate the accidents in exhange for letting them compete in the tournament." Jack explained and Ruggie and we flabbergasted. "Whaaat? THAT'S what this has all been about?"

"You bet it has! And EXCUSE you?! You were the one pushin' people down stairs for the chance at a little fame and glory!" Grim shot back at Ruggie who stared off to the distance while scratching his arm. "Urk... W-well... Fair point, I suppose."

Crowley: "Is he correct? Were you responsible for the series of injuries sustained by competing players?" "..Yeah. That was me."

"Very well. Then to begin with, Savanaclaw House will be disqualified from this year's tournament."
"The rest of your punishment will be decided after I discuss it with the victims. Are we clear?" Leona sighed. "...Understood."

Ruggie and Jack stood in silence as Yuu spotted two familiar people a little father away.

Everin was sitting on the ground with his hand on his forehead, his eyes shut. Freme was kneeling near him talking to him.

Yuu was about to call out to them when Riddle spoke up. "Headmage, wait"

The Ursurper From The Wilds - 28

All the victims from the whole incident were behind Riddle. Including Trey and Jamil.

"Mr. Rosehearts? And I see you're with... Ah." Crowley saw all the victims behind Riddle. He was confused on what was happening. "Correct. They are the victims in this incident."

"Headmage, speaking on behalf of the victims, I have a request for you." Trey spoke up.
"We would like you to permit Savanaclaw House to play in the tournament despite their crimes."

Crowley was flabbergasted. "What...? Are you saying...you wish to forgive their crimes?" "You guys..." Ruggie was confused.

"No. That's the last thing we want." Jamil spoke behind Trey. Trey then procceeded to smirk before saying "If Savanaclaw is disqualified from the tournament, we'll lose our chance at revenge."

Ruggie: "Wh-whaaat?!" "Revenge!?" Jack questioned.

Riddle:"After all, fighting with magic is forbidden on campus." "But during a Magirift game, it's all in the name of sport, right?"

 ✦[ 𝐎𝐋𝐃 𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍 ]𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧 𝐉𝐮𝐝𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫 . 𝐓𝐖𝐒𝐓  Where stories live. Discover now