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"Marella speaking in the language of the melusines(basically teyvat language)(is used for UM's)"

The Merchant From The Depths - 3

Interior Hallway

The hallway was bustling with activity. Students from all 3 grades were out here checking their positions on the list or if they got in or not. The Ramshackle and Adeuce duo moved past the people and managed to get infront to the list. Ace, Deuce and Grim started profusely searching the list as Yuu scanned the top 10.

"No. 4: Freme Cosmos, No. 3: Azul... Ashengrotto..? No. 2: Riddle Rosehearts.. No. 1: Everin-" Yuu was flabbergasted. "Dang.. Everin is really smart huh... But again, his tutoring did get me to No. 20 so I'm not complaining." Yuu smiled as the trio were still looking.

"Okay, where am I in the top fifty?" "With an average score over 90, we've gotta be in there, right?" Ace mumbled. "First ten places...nope. Twenty...nope. Forty-eight, forty-nine, fifty...nope. Wait a minute-I ain't in here at all!" Grim had a horrifying realisation. "N-neither am I..." Deuce mumbled.

"Hooold up. There's a list of the total scores each top achiever got across all subjects." "The top thirty scored perfect marks-500 points! HOW DID YUU GET TO NO. 20?! HOW DID EVERIN GET TO NO.1-" Ace yelled out as the gathering of students slowly started lessening.

Yuu was skeptical about this. I mean sure he himself WAS on there, but he spent countless nights studying. And because of being from another world, Everin helped him out. He has to admit, Everin's way of teaching was really helpful. He taught yuu about one or two about the particular questions and let him do the rest himself while guiding him.

Yuu was wondering about this when the trio started panicked so he listened in. They were mumbling about some "contract" they had violated, and so were about 99% of the other students there. In midst of the panicking,magic swirled everywhere in the air and lo and behold, popped out sea anemones on almost everyone's heads besides a few and Yuu.

Jack had arrived to see what the commotion was, and it was pointed out how neither he or Yuu had the anemone. Just as the trio were complaining, the anemones started moving by themselves and everyone with them led out groans of pain. The anemones started pulling in a particular direction, and everyone started walking away leaving behind the shocked duo of Yuu and Jack.


"What now? The way they were walking, it was like the anemones were pulling them in that direction.
Is a picture that stupid still worth a thousand words...?" "Let's follow them. we need to get to the bottom of this." Yuu proposed which Jack immediately declined. "Huh? Where do I come in here? This is none of my business."

Yuu knew he would decline, so he taunted him. "Are you scared? Seems like your still sore from your Magirift injuries."

Jack: "Who're you calling a coward?"
"Tch. You're starting to fit in around here a little TOO well. Fine. I'll keep you company for a little while, at least." Jack deadpanned. He DID NOT like that Yuu was beginning to become like the rest.

"Let's get this straight, though-this is purely out of curiosity. I wanna see what caused this. I couldn't care less about those guys.
Just so we're clear on that." He said and off they went, following the Anemone crowd.

The Merchant From The Depths - 4

Hall of Mirrors

Eventually after a few minutes, Yuu and Jack ended up in the hall of mirrors. Upon observation, student's from all 3 grades, Sophomores to Seniors were present there, all groaning about the contracts and a certain someone.

"I was so sure I'd make the top fifty!"

"Blast it all, I've been had! That cheating cephalo-punk!"

"My school life is doomed now. Doooomed!"

"Who's this 'cheating cephalo-punk'..?" Yuu wondered. "Cephalo: relating to the head or skull."
"cephalometry" Yuu remembered his old teacher teaching the class about that. He got even more confused.

"Let's head over and see what's up." Jack said and Yuu nodded. They followed the Crowd into the mirror of the Octavinelle Dorm.

Octavinelle Dorm

They entered the Mirror and were summoned into the Octavinelle Dorm. Holy shit this place is beautiful. Sorry, narrator S got off track for a moment. As I was saying, the whole dorm is situated Under the Ocean.

"It's like the opposite of Savanaclaw Dorm, huh?" "The whole dorm is underwater? For real?! Night Raven College is so cool!" Jack cooed before realising what he was doing and immediately changed tone. "*Ahem* Just remember we're treading on another dorm's turf. Keep your wits about you." Yuu smirked at his change of character.

Mostro Lounge

Jack and Yuu decided to hide in a corner to watch everything that happens. Jack was wondering about whatever this "Mostro Lounge" place is. "This school even has cafes now..?" Yuu sweatdropped.

Eventually, the lights went out and a spotlight shone on the stage of the Lounge. Behind from the curtains, emerged a pearl colour haired boy with glasses in the Octavinelle uniform.

"Well, well. What have we here? A band of misfortunate souls who failed to break into the top 50.
Welcome to the Mostro Lounge."

"I'm sure you're all WELL aware of who I am, but let's go over it again anyway. My name is Azul Ashengrotto.
I am the housewarden of Octavinelle Dorm, the manager of the Mostro Lounge cafe, aaand...
...as of today, you have to listen to everything I say." He grinned as faces of horror struck the anemone students.

Jack:"Say what?"

"You made a bet with me, and subsequently lost."
"As per terms of our contract, you are to devote yourself to my service until such time as you graduate." He explained.

Ace yelled how this was unfair, and Azul simply shrugged and said how his guide made him pass. Deuce brought up how they never knew he would give it to so many peope, which Azul countered with saying he was simply helping people and fulfilling their demands. Some students began voicing out about their Unique Magics that they traded, which now belonged to Azul.

Behind Azul, the infamous leeches(eels) of Octavinelle stood. The quiet but horrifying Vice-Housewarden of Octavinelle, Jade Leech. And his twin brother, the terrifying "squeeze" giver of Octavinelle, Floyd Leech. Jade was smiling and Floyd was grinning. Behind them, father away just right before the curtain stood Everin and Freme, in their Dorm Uniforms out of view.

Jack, having enough of this, stood up from their hiding place into everyone's view.

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