✦ Crowns - Finale

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"Marella speaking in the language of the melusines(basically teyvat language)(is used for UM's)"

Savanaclaw Finale - 30

Location:School Infirmary

Yuu felt his consciousness slowly coming back to him as he opened his eyes and sat up, rubbing them. Grim was right beside him on the bed. "Hey, Yuu's awake!" "...Huh? Where am I?"

"At the start of the second half, Grim threw the disc right at your noggin and knocked you out. You don't remember?" Ace, who was standing at the side of the bed with Deuce said in a disappointed tone. "I was tryin' to steal our victory with a shot from way downfield..." Grim muttered.

"You amateurs gotta work on your disc control." Jack crossed his arms. "I'm just glad you're awake." "You were out so long that I was starting to worry the hit had caused some real damage." Deuce smiled.

"Yeah, you even missed the closing ceremonies! They're taking everything apart right now." Ace told Yuu who was flabbergasted because he missed everything. "Which dorm won?" Yuu questioned. Leona and Ruggie were on the beds a bit far away from Yuu's bed.

"The grand champion was Diasomnia House." Leona grumbled. "In the end, there was nothing we could do..." Ruggie sighed.
"It certainly didn't help that we took a beating from every other dorm on the way to the finals. What a miserable tournament this year was."

"Hmph. Everyone we played was ignoring the disc and throwing everything they had at US." Leona muttered. "We were dead on our feet by the time we faced Diasomnia, so they ended up taking first place." Ruggie plopped on the bed. "Housewarden! Ruggie!"

"Tch... Bein' stuck in an infirmary bed for anything other than a mid-day nap is about as lame as it gets. "And what's worse? Not a single Diasomnia student ended up here." Leona complained while Ruggie cried.

Deuce:"We got to see Everin and Freme play tho. Man, those two really sweeped the field. Octavinelle ended up getting third place because of them." Deuce had stars in his eyes. "Hehe.. you think so?" Freme called out from the other side beds from Yuu's left side. "Oh you two are awake." Jack smiled. He watched them play and he had to admit, they were a REALLY good duo.

Ace: "I'd heard the rumors, but man, seeing Diasomnia's housewarden in action... That dude does NOT mess around." He shuddered. "Yeah, he was incredible. You wouldn't have believed it, Yuu!" Deuce had more stars in his eyes. "Malleus Draconia is a amazing Magirift player indeed.." Everin acknowledged.

"Now I get why everyone thinks he's invincible. I can't even imagine taking him down." Ace sighed. "And with that attitude, you never will. You've let him beat you before you even face him." Jack scolded. "I haven't, though. Next year, I'm taking Diasomnia down. And I'll win by givin' it everything I got."

"Does "everything" happen to include your capacity for evil?" Leona questioned Jack. "Have you learned nothing from all this?" Yuu deadpanned. "Pfft. I didn't realize we were in an after-school special here." He smirked.

"That doesn't sound like remorse to me." Yuu stared at Leona who just smirked. "Remorse? Who says I gotta have remorse?" "I'm givin' next year's tournament all I got, too. And I am gonna do whatever it takes to win." "Shyeheehee! There's the Leona I remember." Ruggie laughed.

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