Thursday, 25 May, 2000: Timothy Part 2

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All I can think about since yesterday when Cole apologized is what Colby told me happened while he was missing for three months.

Colby's story continued:

Where was I?

Right, Timothy.

He's the leader of this secret underground dog fighting ring, called Cedar Woods. He sells drugs and women on the side, but the dogs are his star attraction.

Cole pedals drugs for him. I was shocked he was this deep in this shit, but then it made sense.

Cole's parents divorced when he was ten, so he still remembers the almost bloodbath of a divorce and fight for custody. His mother lost, she got stuck with the ten-year-old son that neither wanted in the first place. (She found out too late to have an abortion.)

Cole grabbed my shoulder, intending on taking me with him to the drugs counter, but Timothy said he'd look after me.

Cole was reluctant, and I was happy that he was, but then he left me, which I was less happy about, in the hands of the boss.

Timothy told me his name and asked for mine. I told him, hoping that if I told him he'd let me go back, or join Cole. He didn't.

He took me to the edge of the pit, the dog fighting pit. You know how much I hate animal cruelty. I looked away and he saw me flinch.

"You're not one for dogs, I see. Well how about bitches?" He led me away to the other side of the room, where many three-quarter naked girls were leaning against the wall, tables and men, seducing those that can look away long enough from the gore in the pit.

I didn't say anything, I didn't stop him from leading me there. I didn't do anything. I couldn't! I was so scared and shocked I just couldn't.

"Amazon!" He yelled over the din - the cheering and booing from around the pit, the girly giggles and womanly moans from the small rooms that join the main room with flimsy plywood doors. She walked over with a fake grin on her face, and he hugged her and kissed her full on, and she pushed him away and quickly made the excuse that it's bad for business.

I was silent through this exchange. The lady that the boss called Amazon looked at me with glazed over eyes. Probably something Cole gave her. She gave me a small smile then, as if realising something, turned back to Timothy with a concerned look on her face.

Her face, light black skin, without spots or pimples, slightly long but not grotesquely so. She had green eyes and chocolate brown hair - like, milk chocolate. Amazon was beautiful, and I had to wonder how she got herself in this mess.

"Code 3." The boss said plainly. She looked at him for a long time before grabbing my hand and pulling me through her door with 'Amazon' written across it with blue and black spray paint. She locked the door behind us, then turned to look at me.

I watched her a while then decided she wasn't going to kill me so I chose to not make things awkward by looking around her room, which totally isn't awkward. He said this very sarcastically.

There was a small twin-sized bed in the middle of the room, the walls were blue with white to brown stains - I didn't, and still don't want to think about what those stains are made of or where they came from - and a single naked light-bulb in the middle of the ceiling, which was white.

She let me look, she didn't say anything for at least half an hour.

"Do you know what Code 3 is?" she asked me from where she stood, by the door.

I shook my head. "I thought it meant you had to kill me, but I don't think so anymore." I said hesitantly.

"No, I'm not going to kill you." she gave me a small smile and came closer to me. I froze with suspicion.

She took my hand in hers and pulled me over to the bed, making me sit on the edge, and she sat down next to me.

"How old are you?" she asked me randomly after a minute of silence.

"Twelve." I supplied. "You?"

She gave a small chuckle, I obviously said something funny but I don't get it. "I'm 29. How the hell did you get in here?"

"Cole brought me because I was at his house and this guy came over with a dirty car. He told Cole to bring me along when I answered the door. Cole tried to make an excuse to get the guy to leave me behind, but he wouldn't take any of that crap. And I'm so scared, I want to go home." I rushed out in almost one breath. My throat started to close up on me after that, but I got one last sentence out. "I don't like what Timothy's doing to those dogs."

I shut up after that, unable to get another word out.

Amazon stayed quiet for a little bit, looking at me intensely while I played with my fingers in my lap.

"I'll help you get out," she said and I looked at her with a small grin on my face, "but you have to help get me out as well."


A/N: Okay, I just want to say that I'm thankful to those who read this. I'm not a good writer, and I don't write to please people.

I do this for the release. I need it with all the stress and pressure my parents put on me for school and applications for varsity.

I hope you enjoyed it.

Yay! I'm back on track. I knew I'd make it up to you guys! Hip-hip-hooray for me! I'm out of my block!

Just three questions before I let you go: what do you think 'Code 3' is, what do you think about Timothy and Cedar's, and what about Amazon - good or selfish?

The first to post a non-update, non-hate comment gets the commented on chapter dedicated to them.

xoxo BiancaMM

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