Saturday, 26 August, 2000: Sexy Langerie it is, Wear It I Must

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I look at myself in the mirror, a secretive smirk on my lips. I'm wearing the stuff from yesterday's shopping trip. The dress, the shoes, the necklace and earrings. The lingerie. The corset pulled tight, the stockings attached to the garters securely.

Rachel has no clue that I'm wearing it. She helped me with my make-up and hair. Light nudes and straightened.

I hear a hoot and I know Marchel is here to pick me up. I rush down the stairs as fast as I can in the high heels. Mom is waiting at the foot of them for me.

She gives me the once over. Then grins. She's happy with what she sees.

"Mom, I'm sleeping over at his place. Okay?" I tell her. "So don't wait up for me."

She nods and I leave her in the doorway.


"You look marvellous, Ms. Mercury." Marchel says after we pull away from my house.

"Thank you, Marchel, I hope he likes it, too." I blush a little.

"I bet he will, ma'am." Marchel smiles warmly into the rearview mirror.

"Please, Marchel. I thought we discussed that you can call me Jane. No more of this Ms. Mercury or ma'am bullshit. Okay?" I tell him.

"Of course, Jane." He acquiesces.

Just then we pull into a restaurant called Gardens. Wow! This is very posh. I feel my stomach churn.


I tell the host I'm looking for Cole and he gives me a warm smile and nod. He doesn't say anything and I'm glad. I've heard enough oh!-you're-her's to last me a lifetime.

He leads me up two flights of stairs to a rooftop garden. There is a single table with two chairs and a candlabra on the centre of the tabletop.

The host leaves me there and I look around at the plants. There are all sorts of potted trees and ferns. Rose bushes and tulips and even tiny white primrose buds.

When I spot the stunning and delicate orchid my heart flurries. They are my ultimate flower. My favorite. And there it is. Just the single one. I look for more, but no such luck.

I stare at it, too scared that, if I touch it, it will crumble to a million pieces on the floor.

I'm brought back to reality when strong arms wrap around my waist. I jump slightly.

"Shit! I'm sorry. I'm sorry, Jane. I didn't want to scare you." I hear the all too familiar voice behind me. I turn to him and grin.

"I was taken away by this orchid. I think you have a little competition for my affection." I joke.

"There's no chance I'd win against that thing. I might as well not try." He says seriously. I start to panic. I reach out and grip his arm tight.

"Don't say that." I whisper my plea, and rest my head on his chest. "Don't ever say that you'll stop fighting for me."

"I'm sorry, Jane." He hugs me to his body. "I meant it as a joke. I would never stop fighting for you. No matter what."

We stay like that for a while.

"We should probably order our food." Cole mumbles into my hair. I nod and pull away and smile up at him. We sit down and I open my menu. "Can I order?" Cole asks. "I got a list of things down already. I know what's nice here. I come here often."

My heart sinks a little. He comes here often. He came here with previous girlfriends. He notices my fallen expression. He sighs. "Yes. I came here with previous flings. But only twice. I mostly come here for family dinners."

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