Friday, 25 August, 2000: Sexy Lingerie it is, Buy It I Must

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Cole and I talk about a lot of things, sex being one of them. We'll have been dating for two months tomorrow. And I want to give him something special.

I wish I could just give him my virginity and be done with it, but I'm afraid I'm not good enough. That I won't live up to what he's used to getting from women. I'm just a girl, five years younger than him.

I knew what I was getting myself into when I told him I wanted to be his. I knew this was going to come up.

And I really do love him. I wan to be what he wants me to be.


"Morning, lovely woman of my dreams." I blush at Cole's greeting when I get to school.

"Hey. And by the way, I'm not a woman. At least, not yet. Sad, I know. But I also know how you can fix it." I wink at him.

I turn back to my locker to fetch the books I need for class.

Suddenly, my locker slams closed. I'm spun around and pushed gently against my locker.

Cole's body presses against me. His lips press against my neck.

I feel my affect on him press against my stomach. A small moan escapes my lips.

"Shh." He whispers against my skin. "Those sounds are for me alone. I don't want the other men getting off on the sounds I draw from the depths of you."

I bite my lip.

"Baby, please." I hear him whisper to himself. "I need you right now. Please, let me in."

"Babe, you can't say things like this in the school passage. We might be taken for a normal couple." I wrap my hand around the nape of his neck and play with the short hair.

He groans.

"Shh. Those sounds are for me alone..." I repeat after him. "I don't want the other men getting off on the sounds I draw out from the depths of you."

He chuckles and pulls back. "So, the men want me, too?"

I grin and wink at him.

"Please." He pleads.

I step closer so I'm flush against him. I stand on my tippy-toes and kiss his lips quickly. "Tomorrow." I say before walking away to class.


"Come on, Kate! Skylar! Please." I whine to my two best friends. "Please help me pick out some sexy lingerie! I need your help."

It's the last lesson of the day, and my friends don't want to help me pick out a nice outfit for Cole tomorrow. "It's our two-month and I want it to be special!" I complain once again.

"Fine! But only because you won't shut up about it!" Skylar relents, her accent becoming stronger with her annoyance.

"Kate?" I look at her with pleading eyes.

"Okay, okay! Just stop looking at me like that!" She giggles. I think she always wanted to help but wanted to see how far I would go. get them to help. Little cow. But I love her anyway.


The three of us walk into Cottonwood Wear (A/N: I totally made this name up.). It's the South African equivalent of Victoria's Secret.

One of the clerks look us up and down. If I was standing here two weeks ago, I would've walked straight back out again. I don't have money to spend here. The only reason I have money now is because my mother gave me R600 to spend on whatever I desired. I didn't tell her that I was going lingerie shopping.

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