Tuesday, 12 September, 2000: Mr. Umbridge Rode Dead Elk 'Round Every Day

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When I think he isn't going to answer at all, he speaks, "I'm so sorry that I didn't fight harder for him to be left at my house, Jane. I'm so sorry. I tried to tell Colby several times but he wouldn't listen. That's why I was apologising to you after he was murdered. I didn't realise I hurt you as much as I did him and his parents when he was taken with us. I'm so sorry, Jane."

Oh, he so sweet. The old me would totally think he's faking all this. But the me I am now? I forgave him the moment I stepped into his hospital room after his heroic crash.

Wait... murdered?

"Cole, Colby died in an accident. A horrible sleeping truck driver rammed us. The truck didn't even stop." I tell Cole a little suspicious that he's hiding something from me.

"Oh, yes, you're right. Sorry. I was thinking of someone else." He's trying to cover up a mistake.

"Cole. What do you know about Colby's accident?" I sit up on the couch we were slouching in. His hold on me shifts to my waist. He doesn't answer.

"Cole. Tell me." I'm in an angry calm state. He should be quaking in his boots.

He sighs in defeat, like he knows he won't get himself out of this one.

"Colby didn't die by accident. He was murdered. You were supposed to be, too, but you survived. Timothy's people organised it." he pauses.

I get up. His hands slip from my body. "Get out of my house." I whisper. My heart is broken. He was part of Colby's death. He knew and he didn't warn us. I feel my heart ripping to shreds then being ground to dust.

"Jane, please. Hear me out. I was only told after the accident. They knew I would try interfere because of my feelings for you." he rushes out, standing in front of me now.

"How can I believe you, Cole? You never told me. Why should I believe you now?" my voice cracks on 'Cole'.

"The only reason I didn't tell you sooner was because I knew you wouldn't give me a chance to explain myself. I wouldn't be able to tell you that the reason why they didn't tell me until afterwards was because I fell in love with you. Even though I never truly met you until after Colby's death. That I fell in love with the girl Colby described and the way he explained your personality. I didn't want to ruin my chance to tell you all this." he says with a strained voice. He's now kneeling in front of me and hugging my legs, his head resting on my stomach.

I run my fingers through his dark, lush brown hair.

What can I say? I believe him. That speech was too sincere to be fake.

"I believe you, Cole. But you need to go to the police. You need to put Timothy behind bars. Please, Cole. Do this for me." I tell him in a half-whisper.

He gets up to his feet again and put his hand where my shoulder turns up into my neck.

"If you'll stay strong with me. And be by my side. I'll do anything for you, Jane Spider Mercury." he tells me, then leans down to kiss me.


A/N: Okay, guys. I know it's a short chap. But the reason is, is so that it can sink in properly.

Also read the first letter of each word in the title.

Thanks for understanding.

xoxo BiancaMM

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