Wednesday, 19 July, 2000: Family Dinner and Official Boyfriend Introductions

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"Kate!!!" I yell, running down the passage towards Kate.

If it wasn't me, I'd be hosing myself (laughing my butt off). It's kinda funny when you see a girl running down the passage, bags flailing around her, screaming like a madman.

But I'm not a bystander this time. I'm the one everyone's laughing at. But I couldn't care less. I need Kate's help!

"What is it?" Kate raises a questioning eyebrow at me.

"My Mom told me about her new boyfriend yesterday!" I shout a little louder than necessary.

"And that's a bad thing because?" she queries.

"Because she also invited him to our family dinner!" I reply.

"Then go tell her that they should go out for dinner tonight, instead of just making things awkward." Kate offers. I sigh.

"I can't do that. She seems happy with him." I tell Kate.

"Then what do you want from me?" she crosses her arms over her chest.

"I was hoping you'd come to help ease the tension and awkwardness." I admit to my best friend.

"I'm sorry I can't. The 'rents are going to be home for a few hours and they promised me two hours." Kate grins at me with great excitement in her eyes. I sigh again. She's so happy... I can't take that away from her.


Kate kept telling me to ask my mother to go out for dinner tonight with her new boyfriend who she also invited to the dinner.

So actually it's my Mom plus her new boyfriend, Dad and his two daughters - a.k.a. my younger half-sisters - and me plus my own boyfriend. Sitting at the table. And I'm cooking!

My mom picks me up today. That's new. I normally walk home. Oh well, its nice to not walk for once.

"Hey, Mom. Why the surprise pickup?" I ask as I toss my bag into the back seat of our baby blue '98 beetle.

"I wanted to go shopping with you for tonight. Get fresh ingredients, maybe a new outfit. How does that sound?" Mom tells me.

I stay quiet for awhile, actually thinking about how I feel about going shopping with the woman next to me. "I guess that's fine. I mean, I was going to wear the dress Cole got me, but if you want to get me something else, it's fine." I finally answer.

"Oh, I was actually talking about getting a new outfit for myself, but if you want one, too, I'm sure we can organise." Mom says slightly awkwardly.

I roll my eyes. Only my mother. "No it's fine. I'll wear the dress Cole bought, I washed it like two days ago. Anyway, are you dressing up because of Greg or Dad?" I ask with a slight smirk playing on my lips. I think she wants to make Patrick jealous. And I think it will work, with or without a new outfit.

"I'm not dressing up for anyone, except for myself." Mom defends.

"That was slightly defensive, Mom." I state my observation.

"I'm not defensive, I'm just answering your question, darling. We're here. Let's buy some groceries!" Mom changes topic and climbs out of the car. I follow her.

"What are you thinking of making?" Mom asks as we walk into Pick'n'Pay.

"I was thinking maybe a roast chicken and potatoes, or grilled sole and green beans. But I guess neither of them appeal to you. I'm making vegetarian lasagna for myself." I say, knowing mom is going to make me cook what she wants to eat.

"I like the sole and green beans idea, but we are not buying sole from here! We'll go to Food Lover's Market for that. Although, we could also get the green beans and the stuff for your lasagna there, too. Why are we here?" Mom tells me. I'm actually shocked she likes one of my meal ideas.

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