Friday, 25 July, 2005: Good News

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I exhale nervously on my mom's patio. I don't know why I'm so nervous, but I am.

Mark is standing next to me with my hand locked in his. We are going to do this together.

Mom answers the door and seems shocked that I'm actually visiting her. I'm slightly offended by this, but I don't let it show on my face. Every time I visit she seems shocked and it's starting to get on my nerves. But I have to put it aside.

"Hey, mom. How are you?" I ask and give her a hug. She's recovered from her shock and returns the hug.

"I'm good, darling. How are you?" she asks and I tell her that I'm well. "Oh, Mark. How lovely to see you again." she gives Mark a hug, too. He returns it.

"And you, too, Ms Mercury." he says politely.

Mom waves her hand dismissively. "Don't call me that, Mark. We're family. Call me Rachel. I've told you this several times." she returns mock-scornfully.

"My apologies, Rachel." he corrects himself.

"Are you going to let us in, Mom?" I ask after some small talk. Yes, the weather's nice, but I would like to go inside now. I need to sit down.

"Oh, of course. Where are my manners?" she asks rhetorically. "Please, come inside. I'm just making dinner." she smiles and we all go inside.

When the three of us walk into the kitchen, Mark and I are surprised by the sight of my dad sitting at the kitchen island. "Uh, hi, Dad." I say in a confused voice.

He gets up and comes over. He gives me a huge hug and shakes Mark's hand.

"Hello, Love Birds. What a nice surprise to see the two of you here." he says to the two of us.

"It's a surprise to see us? What about you, Dad? What are you doing here?" I ask flabagasted.

"I just came over for dinner. Is that a crime?" he asks playfully.

I shrug. "I guess not." I smile at him. There's something going on here, but I'm not going to call them out on it. If they want to tell me, they must tell me.

We all sit down at the island when mom tells us that the food is ready. It's slightly awkward from the tension of secrets being hidden, but I will not be the first to break. I squeeze Mark's hand under the table to let him know that we aren't going first. He squeezes back as a confirmation of understanding.

When the food is done and the drinks start to flow, mom is the first to break. "Your dad and I are together." the joyous mood that the drinks brought around suddenly shuts down as silence falls over the room.

"Wait. What?" I ask incredulously, shrilly.

"I said-" she begins again, but I cut her off.

"I heard what you said!" I jump up and the chair, saved by Mark, almost falls over.

"Honey-" Mark tries to say, but I continue my rampage.

"Mom! I can't believe this!  You got a divorce for a reason. Because you were always fighting and never saw each other!" my face is going red with rage and I can't see properly.

"That's no way to speak to your mother!" dad erupts. I turn my attention towards him.

"And you!  You should know better! She was dating some asswipe just to make you jealous, for crying out loud! And abusive, molestering asswipe, in fact. You ran away from her! From me!  When I needed you most. You made amends with me and that was fine. But I didn't expect you to try get with mom again." tears are now streaming down my face and I don't know why.

I run from the room. The three people I love the most in the world call out after me, but I carry on running.

Up the stairs, to my old bedroom. It hasn't changed one bit. I cry even harder as I fall onto my bed. The pillow is suffocating but I relish the burning in my lungs. It always helped me to stop crying.

There's a soft knock on my door, but I ignore it and try to calm myself down.

The door clicks open, but I don't look to see who comes in. The mattress dips and I feel a small, gentle hand on my back. It's mom.

My shuddering stops and I decide to sit up. Mom waits patiently for my to sit down with crossed legs on the bed.

I look at her, but she's looking at her lap, where her hands are twisting nervously.

"I know Greg was a bad choice on my part. But he was so sweet when I first met him." she sighs. "I know you're not happy with the two of us being together, but I missed Patrick. More than anyone in the world. And now that he's back... My love for him has grown, tenfold. You know what I mean?" she says. I nod. I know exactly how she feels.

"Mom, it's not the case that I don't want you together. I just got overemotional about the fact that you thought you should hid it from me. I'm happy you two are happy. I'm happy with Mark, and I actually came over to tell you some great news!" I start getting bubbly again, and she's eager to listen.


The two of us come down the stairs as a giggling mess. Dad and Mark look at us like we're possessed. I jog over to dad and hug him. "I'm so sorry, Dad. I shouldn't have shouted at you like that."

He pats my head. "It's okay, Jane."

I let him go and walk over to Mark. "It's time." I whisper when I get to him.

We both face my parents and Mark wraps one arm around my waist. They look at us expectantly. "We're having a baby."


A/N: Okay, guys.

So. Five more chapters after this, then The Spider Diaries is finished.

Wow. It's been a long journey so far. So much has happened to Jane.

I hope you guys stay until the end.

Tell me your thoughts by voting and commenting. I love comments most. *winky face*

Lots of love


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