Chapter 13

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Flashback In Las Almas

"What's this?" Alejandro got out from the vehicle.

"This is the immediate future. Step away from the gate," commanded Graves.

"What?" Soap was as confused as ever.

"You heard me," reassured Graves.

"You're crazy. This is MY base," Alejandro was seemingly pissed.

"It's not a base. It's a sizeable covert facility. I admire it, so I am taking it. You boys have been relieved. Thank you for your service." As Graves said this, anger was building up inside me. That coward is a traitor.

"No, no, no, I don't take orders from you," Alejandro was about to throw hands for real.

"Didn't Valeria say that? Now that makes me wonder what else I don't know about your affiliation with the drug lord," Graves teased.

"What the fuck did you just say to me, pendejo?" Alejandro wasn't having it.

"You're out of line, Graves," Soap stepped in.

"What the fuck, Graves?" I walked towards him in disbelief.

"Don't do that... Don't... do that. No one needs to get hurt here." Did Graves just threaten us?

"Are you threatening us?" Ghost spoke up from behind.

"Soldier, I don't make threats... I make guarantees. So let's not do this," said Graves.

"This is bullshit!" I raised my voice at him.

Soap turned away and started walking to the radio. "I am calling Shepard," until Graves stopped him in his tracks.

"General Shepard sends his regards. He told me y'all wouldn't take this well." Graves's words shocked me to my core. How could we be so foolish?

"Shepard knows about this?" Ghost was pissed.

"Y'all need to stand down and let the pros finish this. Why the hell are we talking like this is some type of negotiation? It's not. I've got my orders, and now you have yours," stated Graves. This made me mad. I took out my knife and tried walking up closer to him.

"You think this is funny, Phillip?"

Graves raised his hand. "Y/N, back down."

"And who the fuck do you think you are, cabrón? My men are inside!" Alejandro wasn't having it.

"I'm afraid not. Your men have been," Graves smacked his lips before continuing, "detained."

Alejandro charged at Graves, but he was quick to push him onto the car. One of the shadows whacked Alejandro's head with a gun, knocking him out. Gunfire broke out. Shit was about to go down. I still had my knife. I charged at Graves, pinning him to the wall and holding the knife against his neck. Four of his shadows turned to shoot me, but Graves spoke up. "Don't shoot her," he said, raising his hand.

"Call them off," I demanded.

"Step back, Y/N."

"Call them off, Graves!" I pressed harder with my knife on his neck.

"Can't do that," he shrugged.

Fuck. I turned to Ghost and nodded. He gave the signal to Soap. They had to escape, with or without me. Just as I nodded, I got distracted, which gave Graves a chance to knock the knife out of my hand, and so he did. He then proceeded to flip me over and grabbed me with both his arms, restraining me. He then called on two shadows to take me to the base, and the rest is history.

I was trapped for two days and in the hands of Phillip Graves. He treated me well, but I wasn't having it at all. He was a coward, a traitor.

I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I quickly snapped out of that distraught memory.

Flashback ended.

I turned. It was Phillip. "Y/N, we landed."

A/N HEY YALL i am being active. anyway i wanted to add more of the past to this story to show Y/Ns and Phillips whole story and their love hate relationship but dw more smut is coming!

Love you guys! I am so grateful for  almost 800 reads its an accomplishment!


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