Chapter 16

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Farah walked into my office.



"Good news, Price needs you ASAP in Zordaya Prison Complex in Verdansk, Kastovia. They got Makarov."

Hearing the name Makarov triggered me. We had been face to face in a death battle back in Russia, and it wasn't pleasant. But, at least I'll get to see my team... but at what cost?

"Oh, sounds great, Farah. When do I depart?"

"Right now, Nikolai is waiting for you."

"Oh, that was quick."

I left my office shortly and packed a small duffle bag along with my weapons.

I stepped outside and waited for the airplane door to open. Alex, Farah, and Phillip showed up.

"Came to say goodbye?" chuckled Alex.

"Hey, you're not getting rid of me that easily. I'll be back before you know it," I laughed, and he pulled me into a hug.

"Good luck, Y/N," said Farah.

"Thank you," I pulled her into a hug, and after she and Alex left, it was just Phillip and me alone.

"Can I kiss you now?" he asked.

I laughed, and he took it as a yes, pulling me into a soft kiss.

"I'll miss you," he said.

"I am not leaving forever, Phillip," I said, giving him one last hug and stepping into the plane.

"Good luck, doll."

"Goodbye, Phil."

With that, the plane took off.

"Y/N, come back in one piece, please," Nikolai spoke in a strong Russian accent.

"конечно (of course)," I reassured him.

Time Skip

I landed and exited the plane, immediately greeted by my old friends.

"You guys!!" I ran over to them and hugged Soap first. His hugs are the best.

"Y/N!" called out Gaz. I walked over to him, and he gave me a big hug.

I turned to Price and saw him with a warm smile. "I told you we needed you."

Price gave me a heartwarming hug before I turned to Ghost.

I raised my hand as a hello gesture, and he just nodded his head. Bitch.

"Y/N, we had a change of plans. We tracked down the buyer, and he's in London. We also discovered that Makarov is still alive, and the Konni group can control the trains filled with hostages. We have to infiltrate the subway," explained Price.

I just batted my eyes at him. A lot of information to take in so suddenly. "That was sudden. Alright, I guess let's settle Makarov's ass once and for all."

Time Skip

We landed in London and quickly prepared for the fight. We got to the location and went down the subway, which was filled with dead bodies.

"Bloody hell," said Ghost.

"Makarov is a tyrant," added Soap.

"Boys, eyes ahead. I think we've got something," I said as I heard muffled noises in the distance.

"Hostages," I overheard Gaz say.

"Quickly!" I said as the five of us rushed over, but it was too late. The tied-up person's skull was pierced by a bullet. We all turned around and realized we were surrounded by Konni troops. A gunfire broke out. We quickly shot the closest enemy, and I tried sneaking around the back to get the sniper. I scouted one out and pulled his head back, slicing his throat. From below, I heard Ghost's voice.


I got down and met up with the rest of them. "Do we have a game plan?" I asked.

"Price, I sent the bomb location over comms. You have limited time; act quick," Laswell said over the earpiece.

"Ghost, Y/N, infiltrate the subway. Soap, you're going to disarm the bomb. I'll cover you. And Gaz, you cover us," commanded Price.

"Let the games begin."

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