Chapter 10: Signature

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Victoria's stomach twisted as she heard them behind her, and she didn't even need to turn around to know who it was.

"Well, well, well." Mike said as Victoria turned around spotting the three. She gulped as they caged her against the edge. "What a surprise, where's LaRusso?"

Victoria shrugged, "I don't know, why don't you guys go and check somewhere else."

Mike looked past the girl seeing the rope that ran over the edge and a sly smirk covered his face as he told his friends.

"Pull the ropes." Victoria didn't move, standing in front of the ropes

She wasn't going to let them closer to the ropes. Victoria couldn't understand, did they not know the word no?

"Why can't you get it, he's not competing!" She spat at them

Mike moved to look over the cliff, the two boys just laughed. Dennis stepped closer to the girl.

"You want to bet?" He asked before Victoria moved her leg back getting into fighting position

Dennis moved first trying to grab the girl. Victoria kicked him back making some room between her and the boys, Andy moved forward and Victoria blocked most of his punches. Sending a wheel kick into his side, Victoria watched as the boy went flying away.

Dennis lunged forward, Victoria dropping and swept him off of his feet. Dennis hit the ground before getting back up his back facing Victoria giving her an easy win as she kicked him in the same direction as Andy. Mike started walking up to the girl, Victoria got ready to do a roundhouse kick but as her foot came around. Her foot went too far missing Mike and she turned straight into him, the boy wrapped his arm around her throat not hard enough to choke her but just to keep her close.

"Pull the ropes." He barked at his two friends who scrambled. Victoria threw her hand back into his stomach

Mike growled, "I wouldn't do that if I was you darling." He unwrapped his arm from her neck pushing her forward so that she was leaning over the edge

Victoria was staring down over the edge now at the long fall and the sharp rocks at the bottom. The only thing keeping her from falling was Mike.

"I could loose my grip and then it would be bye bye birdie." He said and pushed her forward slightly making Victoria whimper. Fear coursed through her body as she stared over the edge

Mike was right, all that was keeping her from becoming a pancake was his grip on her collar. Her vision started tunneling and she felt like she was going to cry.

"Hey LaRusso! How you doing?" Mike called down to Daniel before Andy threw down the application. "Heads up, Danny-boy. Here's something you forgot!"

"Hey, this isn't a joke anymore!" Daniel spat back, Mike just smiled as his two goons chuckled. "Oh I know."

"So let the ropes down!"

"First sign the application." Mike taunted, his hold still tight on Victoria and she was happy about that

She had never felt so little before, not until she met Mike.

"Hey, screw you, man!"

Mike smiled and shook his head. "See, I think you got it backwards, buddy-boy. I'm not the one who's screwed here, now I figure, the tide's gonna come in about 12 minutes. Hope you brought a life raft."

Mike then added pushing Victoria closer to the edge, if Victoria got any closer she was sure she'd be dead meat. "Or because you forgot your girl, I could be nice and send her down with you."

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