Chapter 11: Tension

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The day was nice, and so Victoria found herself out running along side Daniel and Jessica. Her side hurt but she pushed through it as Daniel spoke, "you know what the worst thing was: when he told me he wouldn't train me for the tournament. Then I knew I was dead."

"What a drag." Jessica clicked her tongue and shook her head

Victoria sighed, she didn't know Mr. Miyagi. The girl stayed quiet, knowing both sides, she was upset that Mr. Miyagi wouldn't teach Daniel but Victoria also knew where he was coming from.

"Oh, great, let me get some water. I'm dying of thirst." Daniel said making a b-line for the water fountain

"You can't swallow."

"I know."

Jessica kept on moving, running in place as Victoria stopped taking a breather.

"Come on, you can't keep stopping like this. You gotta build up your wind, both of you." Jessica said but the last part was pointed at both of them

Daniel was stuck in the match, since the threat from Mike but that didn't mean Victoria wasn't going to help him. She wasn't going to let Daniel fight on his own, it wasn't even about that stupid trophy for Victoria. It was for Daniel.

"Why?" Daniel picked his head up from the fountain. "So bonehead can knock more out of me?"

"Come on, Daniel, you gotta have more confidence." Victoria added softly hitting his shoulder.

"Remember you are the champion." Jessica said cheering him on but Daniel pulled his arm out of her grasp. "Yeah, I'd like to forget it."

Victoria looked back just as a car pulled up, the car was unfamiliar to her but the driver wasn't. Terry Silver flashed the girl a smile before calling out.

"Hey." Terry called catching the attention of Daniel

Daniel and Jessica walked up to the car, Victoria followed but slightly behind.

"Oh, hey, yeah, yeah Jessica this is-" Daniel said trying to stall as he tried to recall the stranger's name. "I'm sorry, what's your name?"

"Terry Silver." He answered

"Terry Silver. This is Jessica Andrews." Daniel introduced them before turning to Victoria. "And you remember Victoria."

Terry nodded saying hi to the girls, Jessica shyly answered. Victoria had an uneasy feeling in her stomach, it seemed too perfect that they saw him here.

"You three training for the Olympics or something?" He asked and Daniel shook his head

"No, uh, just some tournament."

"The one you won last year? What's it called."

"The All Valley." Victoria answered her voice monotoned

Terry nodded, "right. Good for you. A champion should defend his title."

Victoria stood there crossing her arms as she stared at Silver, she didn't care if Terry noticed or not. Victoria had a bad feeling about this guy and wasn't afraid to show her disdain for him.

"John Kreese told me you had a lot of heart. Listen, do you know how to front sweep?"

Daniel shook his head looking over at Victoria who also shook her head.

"Well, uh, not really." He answered

"Learn, learn. Most tournament guys are suckers for the front sweep. You can catch them every time. Ask your Mr. Miyagi. He'll show you."

Daniel's face fell, "yeah, well, I'm kind of training for this one myself."

Terry's face dropped as well, "oh, that's too bad. Look I got a good book on sweep techniques I'll drop it off for you sometime, okay?"

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