Lipgloss - Heathsay ❤️

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Heather and Lindsay are the popular girls at their high school, homophobic in public, but when they're alone that fact changes.

They're 19.

Lindsay is the main character.


Lindsay's POV - Her House

I'm not dumb, just popular. To "get" guys I act dumb! That's all.

"Lindsay hurry up you bimbo, Alejandro's waiting." Heather yells from downstairs.

"COMING HEATHS!!" I yell back.

Alejandro is Heather's 'boyfriend', but when we're in private, me and Heaths, we share lipgloss a LOT. For a long time. I'm not dumb, I swear, I understand what's going on.

I run downstairs, and look into Heather's mean eyes staring straight into mine.

"You look like shit", Heather says, smirking at me.
"I didn't get to finish my makeup because of you Heaths!" I say while running across the hall to get my bag.
"Come here, i'll give you some lipgloss" Heather suddenly looks at me like an angel.

I squeal as I run up to Heather, wrapping her in a hug, and she kisses me softly. For a few seconds, I feel my tongue licking Heather's.

Heather let's go, quickly turning to go out of the door. Alejandro is standing by his car, and Heather runs up to him and kisses him on the cheek. Alejandro pouts his lips but Heather avoids it as usual. She used to kiss him on the lips, but ever since our first kiss she has avoided that. I see Alejandro has gotten worried over it.

"Let's go" I say, stopping Alejandro from questioning Heather.

I sit in the back, staring at my phone texting Bridgette. I hear Alejandro speak up.

"We need to break up."

My eyes turn big, not looking away from the screen.

"Why?!" Heather says, worried.
"You don't satisfy me anymore. I need you to be my hot girlfriend in front of the guys, i'm a ladies man, you know that!" Alejandro shouts.

I speak up, knowing Heather was about to say the same thing.

"Ladies man? As if you don't go out flirting with other girls at school!" I say, now staring at Alejandro, my eyebrows drawn together.

(A 'ladies man' here is supposed to mean he pulls one girl that's basically obsessed with physical shit, those things Heather is now avoiding.)

We sit in silence the whole ride, when we get to school, Alejandro says;

"You can walk home."

I scoff, looking at Heather. She's in her mcbling sunglasses, she lifts one of her eyebrows and scoffs with me, not worried one bit. From my perspective, she seems excited.


We go to the girls bathroom, Heather says she wants to fix my makeup.

I stand in front of the mirror, adding more mascara to my lashes.

"Give me" Heather says angrily.

She snatches it from me, spins me around, and applies the mascara. I feel myself getting red as she grabs my waist, leaning my back over the sink, with her leg between mine to get closer to me.

She sees me staring and kisses me, digging her leg deeper in between my legs.

"No need to stare, Linds" She says, letting go.

She kisses me again, this time shoving her tongue into my mouth.

I let go, squealing.

"Oh my god, I get it now! We're not actually homophobic, and Alejandro was just a cover up!" I yell out, squealing in her face.
"That took a while." she says, smiling.

I grab her, kissing her, pushing her into a stall behind, showering her face with kisses.


Heathers POV - School Stall

I sit on the toilet, Lindsay kissing my face off. She finally got it, i've been wanting this for so long. Her lips are so fucking nice. I love her dumb personality, she's really easy to love. I just wanna shower her with love, buy her stupid shit and see her squeal in excitement as she kisses me for buying her something.

I grab her waist and start kissing her neck, hearing her squeal in excitement into my ear. I lick her neck, pulling her onto my lap. She squeezes her legs around mine, since the toilet seat is very small.

I kiss her on the lips, smudging her lipgloss with mine.

"I'm glad we have the same" I moan.

She nods, understanding I'm talking about lipgloss.

I keep slipping my tongue around her mouth, mixing our saliva. I let go, a saliva string mixed with lipgloss hanging between our lips as we breathe heavily. I let go of her waist and just relax, panting. The string let's go of Lindsay's lips and some falls in the middle of my shirt. She licks it up and i get extremely red.

"Alright, let's go Linds." I say, not wanting to get too excited.

We go out of the stall, and out to the hall. Everybody moves as we strudel through the hall. Alejandro's group laughs, but everyone who already knows what happened, because of Alejandro, takes my side. He didn't lie this time? Wow. Too bad for him. I even see a crumbled up paper get thrown at his head. He looks down at me in embarrassment, as I laugh. I suddenly get the confidence, as I stand in front of him and say, loudly;

"You were just a placeholder! I've been together with Lindsay this entire time!"

I grab her face and kiss her hard on the lips. Everyone stares in awe before they start yelling, shouting, and booing at Alejandro. I hear multiple insults directed at him as I walk away, holding Lindsay's hand, dragging her with me.


952 words x3 - [OLD]

yeah so erm not much was wrong with this, just grammar again.

i changed the word count again, i'm doing that every time.

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