Yearn - Alecody ❤️‍🔥

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requested alecody smut, this is in the same universe as the "Zippers" oneshot was, they're still 19, and live in the same dormitory. If in the Zippers one shot I hinted that they didn't live together somewhere, they have now moved into dormitories near eachother, except Alejandro and Cody are roomies. I'm putting more of an intro to lead into the smut, because it's way more fun knowing it's coming but it's not there yet.. It's like when you know you're getting ice cream but you have to get home before getting it, lol

i sound so fucking edgy in that first segment, ignore that !! i'm the happy creator you know and love :3


3rd Person POV - Sidewalk

"We're in college, why are we getting so much homework??" Cody kicks a rock along the short sidewalk they're on, shuffling through his books and random scraps of papers he has, notes from different classes scribbled all over.

"That's your own work, it's no homework.." Alejandro sighs, looking through the folder on his phone, showing all the unfinished presentations he has due soon.

"Well I still gotta work on it at home, don't I?" Cody suddenly grunts, his usual go-to happy mood gone in a second.

"Sorry if I made you frustrated, I am too.." Alejandro looks over for a split second, seeing Cody tugging on the backpack he's carrying.

"Whatever, we study together, don't we? You're all I need." Cody smiles warmly, and even though Alejandro feels like shit, he can feel a warm smile creep onto his face as well.

Cody, right back to his happy mood, having shoved all his work into his backpack, probably destroying important papers, hums a delightful song, soothing Alejandro's nerves just a little.

"Well, another all-nighter of studying together, hm?" Tired Alejandro, trying to smile again, grimaces towards Cody.

"Don't say that, i'm sure we'll be done quicker today!" Cody points accusingly towards Alejandro.

"Don't lie, Cody.. You know how it is."
"Well.. Oh-!! Well let's make a goal then!"
"Let's set a goal of what we need to be done with today, and then we stop when we've passed it. But! No passing over the line." Cody points towards the sky, speaking proudly.

"Sure, but there's a lot of flaws to that."

"Ah, you're right. Well.. Let's just check up on eachother every now and then, and only help if we really need too. We are always gonna be sitting next to eachother anyway. Just making sure we don't get caught up in eachothers work!"

"Okay.. My goal today is to be done with the presentation I have due tomorrow." Alejandro coughs as to clear his throat.

"I need to organize my notes, clean-write them, and write different papers on different subjects. All my notes are crumbled, badly written, and all my subjects are all over the place."

"Doesn't sound like we'll need much help from eachother. Not that there will be many questions, anyway."

"Yeah.. Phew, well, we're almost at our student dormitories, let's hurry so we'll be asleep by 11 PM at least." Cody skips ahead of Alejandro, and Alejandro can barely keep up.


"Ah.." Alejandro sighs, stretching his body on his chair. Cody looks over, a grimace filling his face in a second. He stays quiet, keeping on writing. His eyes flicker from his books to his papers rapidly, but he stops trying to fight it.

He looks up, staring at Alejandro. Alejandro is focused on his dimly lit Chromebook screen, fixing small details in his presentation. Cody taps his pen silently on his book, his entire left leg shaking at a normal pace. He looks back at his notes, and continues writing.

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