Benefits - Noler ❤️‍🔥

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Noah and Tyler are fuck buddies, they've been best friends for years, Noah has confessed his feelings for Tyler before, Tyler reluctantly let him down, friendship stayed the same, then Tyler asked Noah if they could be friends with benefits.

And obviously Tyler ends up falling in love.

They're 21.


Noah's POV - Bedroom

Me and Tyler are roommates, by choice, of course. We've been roommates in college for 1 year, ever since college started. We have separate rooms, his decorated with sports equipment and otherwise mostly red team-merchandise clothes.

Mines boring with a *couple* of bookshelves, all filled up. Finding good books is really easy for me, since I like mostly everything. Right now i'm laying in my bed, reading a romance novel between two guys called Luca and Alberto. (YES, I'M MENTIONING LUBERTO IN HERE.) The book's mostly about acceptance in the outside world, finding allies and being able to accept themselves. Then, of course, falling in love with eachother.

I hear our dorm-door being opened, reminding me that Tylers been at football practice. He walks past my open door, stopping and smiling at me. Unusual, for him.

"Hey Noah,-.." He suddenly closed his mouth, walking into my room and sitting on the edge of my bed.

"Hey Tyler" I split the gaze I had onto the book for a split second.

"Noah, you know how.. You- confessed to me?" He looks away from me, and I put the book down.

"Mhm.." I nod slowly, remembering that awkward moment.

"Well, I.. I just- ugh.." He fiddles with his fingers nervously, sighing.
"Spit it out, Tyler."
"I just- I think i'm getting ready for a girlfriend, and I.. Need practice." I once again, lean my attention more into Tyler.
"I wanna have like, practice-.. Sex with you or,- whatever."

My eyes go wide. He wasn't doing this because he knew I used to like him right? Not for a piece of ass, right?

"Not- as in, i'm not trying to use you. I just thought you'd agree since like.."
"Don't worry Tyler, i'm totally fine with it."
"Sure, just gotta set some ground rules in sex." I shrug, since the crush I had on him had kinda faded now. Its been a year since I confessed, and all that time made me drop it. He's obviously still attractive, and I enjoy his presence, but more- as friends.

"..You'll do that, for sure."
"Were you expecting not to have any?" I ask him, actually curious. No way that he wanted us to have sex like a normal couple would..
"Not really.."

I giggle a little, trying to hold in my laughter.

"That's- kinda cute Tyler." I joke, laughing hard now.
"Shut it, i'm only doing this because I need practice. Ground rules is exactly what I need to learn about!! Teach me, Noah!!"

I stare at him, wondering, he's really into this idea. He couldn't just- actually never mind. I think i'm better then watching porn. What a story to tell- that you used to have sex with your best friend for 'practice'. Actually it'll be a secret, not a story to randomly tell.. He probably would though. I picture him, drunk with his friends at a party, telling the story. Okay, enough wandering thoughts.

"Okay, well, for starters, anything we do will strictly be platonic." He nods, leaning into my words. "Anddd, no falling in love, no 'dates' other then inside the bed- or wherever we'll do it.. And, this is all- again!! Strictly platonic, for release/'practice'."

He nods, understanding.

"We'll come up with more along the way."
"Okay, but like.. I wanna try now."
"Go take a shower, no way we're doing it right now. You're all sweaty and shit. Think about it- being all clean is wayyyy nicer then being sticky while inside me right? Think about your dick being stuck by the entrance-" I laugh harshly, seeing him blush, running out the room to end the torture of my words.

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