Hatred - Dunler ❤️

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Heavily requested, had a hard time deciding the plot here..

I don't wanna spoil too much but they're in high school

12th grade, both 18 >-<

They're in the same class

WARNING! There is a bit smut, but no sex or anything like that.. Just a little weird stuff, hope that's okay!

Oh yeah, the school is built more like Yandere simulator's school, good to remember so you get a better pov in your head ! Always lookin out for your guys' perspective :3


3rd Person POV - Classroom

Tyler looks down at his paper, tapping his pen repeatedly. He looks up at the board, knowing nothing is on it. He looks around, and notices that his teacher isn't anywhere to be found. Knowing this, he quickly turns his head to his seating-buddy, Geoff.

"Dude, you gotta help me." Tyler shakes Geoff's shoulder, and Geoff turns to him. Luckily they sit in the back of the class.

"Yeah, what?"
"12?" Tyler whispers to him.
"Uh, can't tell you for sure, but I got B.."
"Thanks, I was mostly sure on that anyway" Tyler smiles, looks up again, and is about to look down, before he catches the black eyes of his classmate sitting in front of him.

"Cheater" Duncan mouths the word, and Tyler stares at his lips, for a solid 10 seconds, before realizing what he worded. His face turns red, and he frowns at Duncan.

"No snitching" He mouths back, and Duncan shrugs, leaving Tyler's stress-levels rising.

Even though it was obvious *Duncan*, out of all people, wouldn't snitch, Tyler is a bit air-headed. He taps his pen again, though this time not being disturbed by the confusion of a question.

He decides to quickly finish the test, and worry later.

15 minutes later, class ends and Tyler's done right on time. He looks up at Duncan, who looks pretty satisfied. Nothing out of the ordinary.. Tyler sighs, and slaps his mouth, as to not alert Duncan of what he dreads.

But he looks back over, and sees Duncan's face, turned right to him. When he catches his eyes, Duncan smirks at him.

Everyone is already packing up, so when Duncan stands up and starts heading for the teacher, Tyler is quick to grab his bag, and Duncan too. He drags him outside to the hallway before anyone else can hurry out, and pushes him against a wall, holding his shoulders tightly.

"Don't you fucking dare."
"What? I was just gonna turn in my paper." Duncan holds up the paper in his hand, and Tyler looks over. Duncan smirks yet again, and Tyler grits his teeth together, breathing out through them.

"Stop playing around, you were gonna report me."
"As if they'd believe me." Duncan rolls his eyes, but suddenly raises his face forward to Tyler's, a scary look in his eyes. "Y'know, you really are dumber than you look." He pushes Tyler off of him, heading back inside.

Tyler just stands there dumbfounded, staring through the classroom's glass, as people start flooding out of the classroom, from the 2 doors on either side of Tyler, leaving him kinda trapped there, till Geoff steps out last.

"Dude, where'd you go? You basically just spurted away, I couldn't see." Geoff pats his hair down, breathing out as he nears Tyler.

Tyler just turns to him, mouth wide open.

"Dude..?" Geoff raises an eyebrow, leaning into Tyler's face. "Eh, let's just go to lunch." Geoff pulls Tyler's wrist, dragging him towards the minor cafeteria they have.

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