Replacement - Alenoah ❤️

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Sooo its world tour, team Chris won the london challenge, Heather got booted. This makes Noah- a replacement.

Part 2 probably gonna come unless I write it all in this one !!


3rd Persons POV - First Class

"Owen, please stop with the weird-smelling spice meals." Alejandro mutters, trying to sound nice, knowing his whole game plan has changed with Heather getting eliminated.

"But- it gives me strength! You should try, Noah already looks skinnier!"

"Okay, first of all, thats because I threw up 3 times, even though I come from India and eat mostly spice-based foods, second, isn't it bad that I look skinny if it's supposed to give me strength?" Noah spits out, holding his stomach.

"Too many words for me to handle, did you wanna taste lil buddy?" Owen flicks his attention to Noah, leaving Alejandro to sneak away to the other side of the first class department.

There he meets Tyler, immediately putting on his persona again.

"Hello Tyler, what might you be up to?" Alejandro puts his hands behind his back, totally clueless of what to do at this point.

"87..88.. Push-ups..90.."

Alejandro sighs and sits in a corner, grumbling to himself.

He walks over to the confessional booth, and closes the door, wanting to resolve his problems.

"With Heather gone, there's no real threat, or drama! Yet, I know that if I keep Noah in, I can manipulate him, make him my friend, and get all of it."

That being his solution, he walks out again, still grumbling.

He ends up walking up to Noah, holding a 'golden apple' (An apple glazed in some mixture of melted candy with added color).

"May I offer you one from the goldens of god?" Alejandro smirks slick, Noah unsurprisingly scoffing.

He leans in, smiling at Alejandro.

"Yeah, no. I have no reason to hate you yet, but that doesn't mean i'll befriend you."

Alejandro backs up, feeling like his dignity has been hurt. That was supposedly embarrassing.

Alejandro ends up falling asleep in one of the chairs, while deciding on how to 'befriend' Noah.


Noah wakes up to Alejandro glaring towards him, watching as if he's eyeing Noah as prey. He shivers, and immediately looks forward, feeling awakened.

Chris then says something along the lines of meeting in the common room, explaining the challenge, basic things. Noah stands up, and just as he about to walk, Alejandro bumps into him.

"Sorry, amigo." He smiles an unusual smile, and Noah gets a weird feeling.

He makes some weird face, stating he's suspicious, but Alejandro keeps smiling along the way.

"Today were gonna be going to the home of the olympics-" Chris starts, but everyone is already guessing places.

"No, no and no. We're going to- Italy!"

Noah frowns, not wanting to be annoying, letting the others contestants correct him.

"Um, the olympics conspired in greece." Courtney states, Gwen nodding, but-

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