Nails - Aletyler 🤍

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Alejandro admires Tyler, and his nails for some reason. Tyler is with Lindsay, which Alejandro doesn't mind as he can't determine his feelings for Tyler.

They're 16.


Alejandro's POV - Tyler's house

"Heyyy Tyler!!" I hug my best friend. "Great match yesterday!"
"Yeah thanks Alejandro, come in"

I step inside, walking into his living room, where Lindsay is sitting.

"Hey Alejandro" She smiles at me.
"What's up Linds" I smile back.

We sit down, some football match on the TV.

"So, 6-3 win yesterday" Tyler leans back on the sofa.
"Cheering for my boy on helps him huh?" Lindsay laughs.

Me and Lindsay were cheering for him together, I respect Lindsay a lot actually. Don't know why.

We keep talking for some time, till Lindsay has to go.

We wave her goodbye, and we sit down again.

"Time for some bro-talk!!"
"I see Lindsay has painted your nails again."
"Yeah, red"
"Matches you perfectly."

Tyler smiles at me softly, and I just keep staring at his nails. I grab his hand, inspecting the glowing red color.

"Looks really nice.."
"Do you wanna paint my nails?"

I look up at Tyler, with a glimpse in my eye.

"I do actually.."

Tyler gets some different nail polish colors, which he has stacked for when Lindsay comes over.

I pick out a green one, perfectly coloring over the red paint he has on.

"Wow.." Tyler looks surprised.
"You're good at painting nails"
"Used to play real life barbie with my cousins."

Tyler laughs. That cute laugh, that only I get to hear. It's special, just for me.

Tyler keeps watching as I stroke his hand with my finger, then holding his finger to paint the nail on it.


I look up and chuckle at him.

He has a girlfriend that I like, a lot. But, just in a "respect" way. My mind keeps telling me that. I feel like Tyler is special to me and I should keep him safe, yet Lindsay fulfills that for me and keeps him happy. I like that, but.. I want to be the one keeping him happy. Keeping him warm, safe, and protected.

I love Lindsay, but.. I wanna take her spot. Tyler's my best.. Friend.

"Al?" He's the only one to call me that without me getting mad.
"You're staring at my hands."
"No, at your nails."


"They show off everything you have.. Somehow. Tyler, I love your nails."
"Uh, thanks dude."

He sits in silence, and suddenly pull me into a hug, making me drop his hand, now having green nails.

"Sorry, you seem.. Troubled." Tyler smiles at me, and I feel my cheeks getting red.
"Why're you red? What's going on?" Tyler looks at me, confused.

I stare at him.

"Tyler, I just realized I.. Mm.."
"What? Continue." He's looking at me suspended, and I just shrug it off.

I see him get sad, and that makes me troubled. I don't wanna see him sad.

"I just realized I have feelings for you."


"You deserve to be protected, and I feel like.. Ugh. Lindsay is perfect for you, and fulfills my wishes of you being safe at all times. She's good for you, keep her til the end Tyler."

"What do you mean?"

"I would ruin you, Tyler. Lindsay won't, she won't destroy your reputation, or.. Your relationship with your parents. I'm.. a bad person in other peoples eyes. I'm bad for you. Nothing more then a best friend. It would be bad, i'm sorry Tyler.

"Why are you sorry? You don't even know if I accept your feelings."


"No, Alejandro. I don't accept them."


"I don't accept you letting me be left with Lindsay because you think i'm happy with her. Sure, she has a better reputation then you, but.. you're more important to me."

"But, I want to be with you, Tyler. I wanna kiss you, cuddle you, marry you. I'm not just gonna be.. Your 'most important person', I wanna be yours."

Tyler stares me right in the eyes, and I feel a shiver run down my spine. I can't get it across- that I'm just pure evilness in his life.

"Then be mine."

"W-what? Tyler, you have a girlfriend, don't feel pitied to be with me."

"I don't. I don't wanna lose you, I like your touch, I like it more then Lindsay's. Like yesterday, I was only looking up at you cheering for me. I didn't care about Lindsay's. I'm sorry, but Lindsay is just.. A highschool girlfriend. Not my future wife, or lover. I feel like a life with you could work."


I get cut off by Tyler kissing me.

"Tyler, no. Everything would be fucked. Parents would hate you, the whole world would, we wouldn't work."

"I don't care about any of that! Don't you see!?"

I don't respond to Tyler's aggression.

"Tyler, I wanna protect you. And to do that, I gotta leave you. I'm not good for you."

"Seriously!? You're gonna leave me in despair, to 'protect' me!? I don't want that!"


"No! you're the only person I care about!"

"We.. It's not gonna happen."

"Wow, you're leaving me alone and sad. You'd rather do that, then to let me be hated by some homophobic people in the world, plus my parents. They don't matter, do they!?"

"They do to me. You're precious, Tyler. You have to believe me, this is what's good for you."


I lean in, kissing him. I get on top of him, laying on the sofa. I cup his face in my hands, as I give him a passionate kiss on the lips. I then get off, and stand in front of him.

"Alejandro, please."

"Goodbye, Tyler."

I walk out the door, knowing he's gonna remember me as "The one who got away". I'm gonna be a forever memory in his mind, haunting him. Do I regret this? Maybe it's better if I do stay..

The decision has been made. It's over, he'll be in my memory forever at least.

I feel a tear dripping down my cheek.

~.._- I miss his nails running around my back when he hugged me. I miss the heart I felt on the backside of my rack, as if I had the key.
~.._- His sweat filling me up, my heart making a ruck. Stuck, tuck, I think I'm falling, failing the start,- Fuck. -_..~


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