Why'd you leave? - Aletyler ❤️‍🔥

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Part 2 to the last one, enjoy!!

They're 25 now.


Tyler's POV - Store

I pick up the last bread loaf there is, turning around to get to the cashier.

I stayed in this city, I was gonna move, but in hopes of Alejandro visiting his home city I stayed. So pathetic, I saved my love life and haven't gotten with anyone. My life's useless now, I threw it away- for him. He broke my heart back then.

I wave to Linda, the cashier, and she waves back, taking care of some customer. I go to get behind him, but- I see that; Long, black, smooth hair, silver earring and tan skin.


He turns around, and immediately tenses up, his eyes widening.

"T-Tyler!?" You were supposed to move!"

"Obviously, I didn't. I stayed here, for you!" I get my finger up in his face, and he gets closer to me.

"Tyler, let's go outside."

I grumble, wanting to protest.

I get my things, and we sit on a bench outside of the store.

"So.. How are you?"
"Don't start with that, Al. Why'd you leave?"
"This place or you?"
"I would try to lie, but honestly, I was scared, Tyler. I was scared you'd get hurt. I was stupid, okay."
"You know what.. I think I can accept that."
"Yeah, if we can talk again."
"I'd answer anything."
"You really left me in depression for a while Al. You leaving me hurt me instead."
"I'm sorry, Tyler"
"You're still hot."
"Okay, you're just trying to get with me."
"Fine, yes. I missed you, and I still wanna be with you."
"So.." I start again.
"Yes, we can try again."

I straight up grab his face and kiss him, yet this time he kissed me back, no worries.

"I fucking loved you." I stare at him.
"I'm sorry."
"You're paying for it now. Also.. you're gonna pay for it in bed"
"Wow, you really love me." Alejandro snickers.
"Nah, I mean it. I am gonna-"

He shushes me.

"I get it, just.. Lend me your nails real quick."

I give him my hand, and he looks at my nails.

"Always loved your nails."
"Wanna paint em'..? I kept all the colors, from 9 years ago.."
"Wow. And yes, I do."


In my living room, he's painting my nails the same shade of green, as that day.

"Stroke my finger like you did that time, I loved that."

He stays quiet but runs his finger across my finger, holding it up, painting it.

I lean down and kiss his forehead.

"You wouldn't believe how happy I am right now."
"I'm mad at myself for leaving."


Alejandro's POV - Tyler's House

I'm in his house again, yet it's his own this time. He's sitting on my lap, and i'm loving this moment.

"I am too."

I look down in shame, and he lifts my chin up.

"I always loved how down bad you were for me. I could make you do anything."
"Don't try me Tyler."
"I am."

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