You and me? - Heathney ❤️

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Apology to myself for the last one, I really want romance between these 2 💔💔

Courtney and Heather.. Yes


3rd person POV - Apartment

"Heatherrrr" Courtney exclaims, drunk.
"Yes Courtney." Heather watches as Courtney dances around her in a circle.
"I need too.. Yoo-hoo!!"

"What the fuck.." Heather sighs to herself.

She grabs Courtney, and puts her on their bed.

"Oooh~ You gonna kiss my neck now??" Courtney blabbers.
"Shut the fuck up already"
"Mwa mwa mwa" Courtney kisses the air.

Courtney's POV - Bedroom

Heather looks cute..

Black, silly silky hair.. Grey sweatpants.. Black tight top.. I could kiss her right now..

"Heather, please kiss me.."

She kisses me, yippie!!

"There, can you sleep now."

"Only if you join me."


Heather gets into the bed beside me, and I cling to her immediately. I wrap my legs around hers, and my arms around hers. I kiss her cheek, and say;

"Goo-night Heather!! My beloved"

She "hmphs" and I live with that.


"Heather.." I rub my left eye, and realize i'm wrapped around her, with her peacefully hugging my arm.

I try to get up, but she just wakes up.


I kiss her cheek, and she turns red.

"Good morning Court.."
"Hi Heath.."

She turns around and kisses me, and I silently "Yippie!"

"Are you still drunk?"
"I was drunk?"

"Love you too"

Heather gets off the bed, and goes to make coffee.

I walk out too, hugging her from behind.

"What's got you so lovey-dovey?"
"The presence of you"

I go lay down in our sofa, and Heather comes out with the coffee.

"Ugh, great for my hangover."
"Yeah, that's why I made it"
"Thank youuuu" She kisses my cheek, as I drink some coffee.
"You kept me up till 2AM, I need my coffee too."

I quiet down and drink the coffee.

"What are we gonna do today?"
"Christmas shopping."
"OOOHH! When we split up in town and buy eachother stuff!?"
"Yeah." Heather keeps drinking, bags under her eyes.
"You're such a child. Different from total drama."
"Fuck total drama, I was a bad person there."
"Fucked my friendship with Gwen, literally gave Duncan a 32-paged letter on how to be a better boyfriend, embarrassed myself by saying "I'm gonna win, no one can stop me" every season, being cocky, being super annoying and mean to everyone."
"I was mean to everyone too.."
"Yeah, but I was just a pain in the ass, you had comebacks."
"Haha, i'm better then you."
"I might be 'silly' now, but i'm still stronger then you. I can tackle you down."
"Sowwy Court!!" Heather laughs.

(Short random skit I made.. Live with it)

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