Waist - Harody ❤️‍🔥

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REQUEST BY TheREALCodyKins , I don't know how I feel about this 💔💔

I decided that i'll add something in.. (hense the title 😊😊)

I'm not gonna explain more so like you'll see (also Harold's 23 and Cody's 22)


Cody's POV - Couch

I stare at my phone, my eyes almost shutting down. Harold lays across from me on the sofa, but i'm not paying attention to what he's doing. Or how he's feeling, I haven't been talking to him over the whole day.

I lay the phone on the table beside the couch, and lean towards Harold so I can relax in his arms. But he doesn't open them, and I lay stiffly on his hands and stomach.

"Harold- Open your arms, please?" I plead, not looking up at him.
"So you decide now is the time you'll pay attention to me? Because you're bored??" I groan, just wanting to cuddle.

But he doesn't answer my groan, not moving a muscle. I get off of him, scoffing and laying back down on my side. I grab my phone again, and lay there for about 40 minutes.

At this point i'm not fighting it anymore. I start shutting my eyes down, until I see a black, thick cardigan on top of me. I get woken up by Harold putting his hands on my waist.

"Agh-! H-Harold, let go of my waist.." I finally take a look at his face, and he looks kinda depressed.

But he holds on, sitting both of us up on the couch, with me on his lap, and him slightly caressing my waist. He runs his thumb down my sides, and I shiver.

"H-Harold.." I whimper, putting my hands onto his shoulder, my upper half trembling and resting against his head. He starts rolling up my shirt, but I only feel the trembling torso, crumbling on his lap.

"What's wrong- with- you.. Today.." I start stumbling my words, as he starts pressing my sides with his thumbs randomly in the middle of the sentence.

"You've been ignoring me.."
"It- I- only for- today-!!?" I yelp, as he's now taken my shirt off, leaving my chest out in the cold wind of the AC, and his warm hands warming my sides up.

"Har-Harol.. Harold~!" I moan, immediately feeling something under me go slightly harder.
"Are you serious-? It was- one moan!!" I twitch, not feeling my legs anymore.

"Are you tired?" He whispers.
"Not really.. I mean I was, but you woke me up when I was just falling asleep!"
"Then you'll be fine." He suddenly holds my waist harder, caressing it faster. I moan out, feeling myself get hard.

"You're doing this on purpose!" I bend over his shoulder, putting one hand around his neck, and the other on the couch edge to save myself from completely going limp.

He snorts, letting out a small laugh. He then lifts me up, sliding my pants and boxers off.

"Oh, lord have mercy I please and beg.." I look up into the ceiling, feeling ashamed, letting him use me like this.

"Don't try to act as if you're such a saint. You get freaky, you know it." Harold doesn't look up at me, but sounds a little annoyed.

I let myself rest on his hardening pants, grinding my crotch against it.

"There you go, don't try to resist it.." He gently starts rubbing my sides again, making me quietly whimper into his ear. I let myself get harder, and he just smiles from underneath me.

He lets go of one hand on my waist, wrapping the other one around my whole waist, and puts he free hand on my throbbing dick.

"Harold, please.."
"Just take care of me gently.."
"You know I don't do that."

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