To The Hogwarts Express.

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Vlad's office. Wisconsin.

Lucius replies to Vlad."Good Plasmius, it's been too long." Vlad says."Two years to be exact. Now, how can I help you, Lucius?" Lucius Asks."What do you know of Harry Potter?" Vlad replies."Not much I heard through the grapevine. He has been missing for the last ten years. Why do you ask?"

Lucius responds with a smile and says."It seems that the brat was dead the entire time. Like his parents, they found his grave last night. According to the blood, He has been dead for at least ten years." Vlad thinks to himself."It seems that my little ruse worked." Lucius continues."There was nothing left except for some clothes and some blood."

Vlad fake smiles and asks."Well, that is good news, is it not?" Lucius replies."It's fantastic news, my friend. Dumbledore lost his beacon of hope. It must be a sign that the old ways are returning. Soon, I and other proper Witches and Wizards will no longer have to tolerate Mudbloods."

Lucius then starts spouting his pureblood purity nonsense. And Vlad is rolling his eyes the entire time. Not that Lucius could see it. Vlad's eyes are Completely red.

Twenty minutes later. Lucius seems to be running out of steam. And unbeknownst to him. Vlad has multiplied himself and has Possessed Lucius passively.

He then asks."Lucius, how can you get portable technology to work in magical Places? I do hate having to go into such places blind." Lucius says."Well, Things that require electricity are out. But I did hear from Recent Graduates that things that run on Batteries work fine." Vlad then ends his overshadowing of Lucius.

The overshadowing erases the victim's memory. And Vlad gives Lucius the Impulse that it's time to go home. Lucius says."It's time for me to go, my friend. I will be in touch." Vlad replies with."Give my love to the wife and kid."

Lucius walks to the fireplace and Floos away. Vlad thinks to himself."Im going to enjoy tearing down all you hold dear. Lucius."

Malfoy Manor.

Lucius walks out of the fireplace. And he is Greeted by his son. The boy says."Welcome home, Father. I hope your trip was profitable?" Lucius replies."Hello Draco. I Trust that you are fully ready for the coming school year?" Draco replies."Of course, father. I will make you proud."

Lucius says."I expect nothing less. Remember, Draco Malfoys are second to none." Draco says Proudly."I will not let you down, Father. But can I ask why you bother with the Vampire?" Lucius says."Oh, Draco, you have much to learn. Such contacts have their uses. Sometimes, we have no choice but to interact with those beneath us, Draco. But if they have value, use them. You present yourself as their friend, Draco. Even if they disgust you."

Draco says."I understand, Father." Lucius says."Good Draco, now let's go and have supper."

Amity Park a few days later.

Vlad says."So if we build a watch that can contain Daniel Ghost energy. He can pass any test that requires Blood or DNA." Maddy asks."But won't that make him fully human again?" Vlad says."Not if we build in a release function. He will be able to access his powers. But the watch will prevent any mistakes. It's a tool to aid Daniel in keeping his secret." Jack says."I thought Hogwarts and technology did not mix?"

Vlad says."Only Electronic Technology seems to be a no-go. It's a temporary tool. Until Daniel has no more Ghost-related accidents." Jack says."I will begin building it right away." Vlad then asks."How is Daniels's training Going?"

Maddy says."He is slowly making Progress. But me and Jack are not Hybrids like you and Danny. The Help we can provide is Limited." "Dont worry, Maddy, Rome was not built in a day either. Daniel will succeed, Of. That, im certain." replied Vlad.

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