End of Year Four.

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Danny helps out Moody, While Dumbledore and Snape feed Veritassirum to Barty Crouch Jr, who begins to blurt out the truth.

"I will be a Hero by the Dark Lord and his followers.". Exclaims Crouch Jr. Danny replies."Let's see here. You were here to bring me to the graveyard. And to take me out in case of my escape. Except you got captured and are about to reveal his plans. Im sure Voldy will forgive you. After all, no one gives out more forgiveness than the dark lord."

Dumbledore says."I personally never had much time for Heroes." Danny rolls his eyes at the statement. Dumbledore decides to have him contained in the room. While He, Danny, Moody, and Snape head to Dumbledore's office.

Later, in Dumbledore's office.

Dumbledore and the other three are about to start talking when Lily, James, Lupin, and Sirius walk in.

Lily asks."Are you alright, son?" While she hugs him. James hugs both his wife and son and says."You gave us quite a scare." Sirius asks."What happened to your watch?" Danny says."I will explain later."

Snape says."The Dark Lord keeps summoning me. I have to go." Dumbledore says."Be careful, Severus." Dumbledore turns to Moody and says."Summon the others. It is time for the order of the Phoenix to reunite." Moody says."Of course, Albus."

Both Snape and Moody leave, and Dumbledore says."Alright, Daniel, can you tell us what happened?" Danny begins."Well, I was going to the maze at record speed. And thanks to my Animagus, most of the creatures Ignored me. After beating the riddle, I found the Cup. And I teleported to a cemetery."

Dumbledore says."I see that matches up with the other two contestants. Who claimed they never saw you."

Danny continues."I was caught off guard and pinned to a statue by Wormtail. Then, a cauldron appeared, and he performed a ceremony from which Voldemort appeared in a new body. It required a bone from his father, flesh from his servant, and blood from his enemy."

Dumbledore looks shocked and asks."Does he have powers similar to yours now?" Danny shakes his head and says."The watch renders me fully human unless I use the release function."

Danny continues."After that, he began summoning his followers. And I used the kill switch on my watch. And while he was distracted. I made my escape."

Dumbledore says."Well, that is good news. But may I ask? Why did you not fight them?" Danny says."He still has those items in play." Dumbledore says."I see. And I agree fighting would have solved nothing."

At that moment, Fudge walks in and says."Dont worry, the ministry took action and had Barty Crouch Jr kissed by the dementors."

Danny says with a level of sarcasm that would even surprise the gods."Well, im glad that it's over, minister." Fudge, not being able to see. That Danny is mocking him. says."You're quite welcome, Mister Potter." Fudge walks off, and Dumbledore is about to stop him when he sees Danny make a halt sign.

Dumbledore asks, shocked."Why did you stop me? the public must know..." Danny explains."During the World Cup, I saw Fudge take bribes from several people. Four of whom were at the graveyard tonight."

James says."You're not saying the ministry is loyal to Voldemort?" Danny says."Honestly, I dont know. But until we can be sure. It's best to move discreetly." Dumbledore says."I dont like it." Danny says."Fudge will either way will work against you if you go public. He will see it as you trying to usurp him."

Lupin says."Dumbledore, I dont like it either. But the death eaters outnumber us four to one. We can't afford to fight off the ministry as well."

Danny says."If you need to recruit, Use messages in the Newspapers and the radio and have order members meet them. They can decide if they are good enough and if not. Adjust or erase their memories."

McGonagall walks in and asks."Surely the ministry can't be that bad?" Danny says."Im sorry, but informing the public right now won't do you any favors. Fudge would attack you in the prophet. And he will use it as a pretext to oust Professor Dumbledore from Hogwarts. And fill Hogwarts With his choices advised by Lucius Malfoy. You be handing them Hogwarts on a silver platter."

McGonagall says."Fudge might be a blistering idiot, but..." Dumbledore interrupts Mcgonagall and says."I will go public with this. The People have a right to know. But Daniel is right about Fudge. He will try to discredit me."

Dumbledore throws Danny a badge with a P on it and says."When the ministry will attack and slander me. The students will need someone to turn to. Im sorry, Daniel. But I must once again ask too much of you." Danny says."I will do my best. But I say this once again. I think You're making a big mistake."

Dumbledore chuckles and says."On that day, you can tell me I told you so." Danny replies."On that day, the world might be past the point of no return. If you will excuse me? I have to play nice to Fudge. As he gives me my price."

Sirius says."But we all agree?" Danny replies."Yes, Fudge is a moron." Dumbledore turns to James and says."It seems it will be up to your group to lead the resistance this time." James says."Im sorry that it all turned out this way." Dumbledore replies."As Im I."

Both James And Dumbledore keep talking.

Danny is awarded his Tri Wizard winnings and Enjoys his final days in school but for some odd reason, Draco is more alone and Quiet than normal.

Hermoine squeals in delight That Danny is made into a prefect. Ron says jokingly."Ofcourse, there only other option was malfoy." Danny replies playfully."Thanks Buddy."

Danny finds Fred and George and tosses them the money. Danny says."Here you go this is a investment in your store. But I have two conditions. One. You will never tell your mother I gave you the money. And Two, You Will never every sell love potions those things are vile." Fred says."Alright Danny you got a deal, mate."

End of Chapter.

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