Hermoine and Danny Together.

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Danny is training for the tournament. Danny has a very devoted partner. Hermoine And Danny were always close partners. But now that it's life and death. Hermoine pushes danny to further himself every day.

One day, Hagrid sends Danny a note. To tell Danny to meet him, Danny is en route when he meets Ron. who tells Danny."My Brother Charlie is here, mate. It might have something to do with the tournament."

Danny replies."Thanks for the heads up, pal. Would you like a round of chess later?" Ron says."You're on."

Danny meets Hagrid, Who shows him dragons like Ron has warned him. Danny meets the other two champions. And tell them what the first test is. They both dont believe him, and Danny walks away and says."Oh well, I tried."

Ron has defeated Danny in chess. And who knows how many times now. Danny asks."So, how many Galleons have you won?" Ron says."Im up by three hundred so far." Danny says."Let me guess, Malfoy?" Ron replies."Even better, it's Snape."

Danny falls from his chair, laughing. Suddenly, a voice says."Mr Potter, you have a long day tomorrow. Might I suggest you retire?" Danny says."Of course, Professor Snape. Danny walks off. And Snape says."Your luck has run out, Weasley."

The next day, Danny meets the two other champions. Both Victor and Fleur thank him for being honest with them.

Danny's training continues, and then one day. Danny is in class when Hermoine tells him. A reporter called Rita Has arrived Along with Olivander.

Olivander inspects the wands and compliments the three contestants on the state of their Wands.

Then, the interviews begin. And Rita begins with Danny. She says."Harry Potter, Aged fourteen. How does it feel to be Hogwarts champion?" Danny replies."It's an honor. I hope to represent Hogwarts with dignity and grace." Rita says."Im sure that you will. Are you not worried about being the youngest champion?"

Danny replies."Mabye a little. I guess if I can't out-fight them. I have to outthink them instead." Rita says."You are a true Slytherin." Rita asks."How do your parents feel about your sorting?" Danny replies."They support me no matter what." Rita then asks."Anything you can say about your opponents?" Danny replies."I dont know them. In-person, at least."

Rita and Danny talk for a while, and then she interviews the other two.

The following day.

The Daily Prophet has come out. And it features a good article about Danny. Fleur and Victor are not as positively portrayed.

Harry Potter aged fourteen. Mr Potter. Unlike the other two, Mr Potter Conducted himself with style and grace worthy of a champion. He showed respect for his opposition. And unlike the other two Champions, he enjoys a stellar reputation.

Headmaster Dumbledore said about Mr Potter. He is one of the finest students he ever seen. The rest of the Hogwarts staff echoed similar opinions.

Students describe Mr Potter as Cunning, Smart, Brave, Ambitious, And Kind.

This reporter knows who she is rooting for.

Article by Rita Skeeter.

Danny reads the other two articles. Danny is Downright appalled with what he reads.

Victor Krum is a potential future death eater. Fleur's ego was the size of France.

The next day. The first task takes place.

Barty Crouch SR, who can die in a barn fire. As far as Danny is concerned. Crouch explains. "The first task is easy. You must retrieve an Egg from a Dragon." Victor draws a Firebolt Dragon. Fleur Draws a Swedish short snout Dragon. And Danny Draws a Hungarian Horntail.

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