The End of Greyback.

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Griphook walks into the vault where James is waiting. James is Worried about Danny and Vlad.

"Mr. Potter, we have a bit of an emergency. You and your son might need to wait here longer. Then you might have wanted." Griphook looks around and asks."Where is your son? Mr Potter?"

A voice behind a pile of gold says."Right here here, Sir." Danny walks into view from behind the gold and asks."Is there a problem, Sir?"

Griphook replies."Not at all. It's just routine." Danny asks."Can an employee come and get us when possible?" Griphook nods and says."That won't be a problem. We Thank you for your cooperation."

Griphook says to the intercom."The Potters are both accounted for. Whatever is going on has nothing to do with them."

Griphook gets into the cart and drives off. James Hugs his son and asks."What happened down there?"

Danny gives a quick recap."We descended to the bottom floor. Down there. We saw a massive silver dragon.

We entered the vault. And while I went in to stab the cup. The alarm activated, and Uncle V got hit by a defense mechanism."

James asks."Did you leave him behind?" Danny shakes his head and asks."He is here but was hurt badly. Do you have any potions?"

James nods, and They walk to the end of the vault. Danny pulls the invisibility cloak of Vlad, And James gives him the potions.

Danny signs in relief."That takes care of the Human half. Now for the ghost half." Danny pulls the Infi map and opens a small portal, and James and Danny gently lift Vlad into the portal.

The goblins investigate the vaults and everything else but come up with nothing. And they rule it as an accident caused by a falling stone.

Danny and James walk out of the bank. And Do the Shopping needed for the kids.

James and Danny walk into Grimaulds Place 12. And Hermoine runs towards Danny happily. And Exitingly hugs him. She says with pure joy."I made Prefect." Danny kisses her and congratulates her.

They walk into the living room, and the banner says.

"Congratulations to Danny, Hermoine, Daphne, Neville, Susan, and Ernie For making Prefect."

Both Snape and McGonagall walk into the living room, and McGonagall says."Congratulations to everyone who has become perfect. Mr Weasley, I have something for you as well."

Ron opens his letter, and it says.

Mr Weasley.

Due to your excellent showing on the quidditch pitch. You have been selected as the Quidditch Captain for the house team.



Minerva McGonagall.

Ron lights up and says happily."I made Quidditch Captain." Danny hugs him and says."Congratulations, buddy. You earned it." Ron says."Thanks, Mate."

Snape gives Danny a similar letter. Danny says."Sweet."

Later that night.

A voice asks."Daniel, are you there?" Danny replies."Right here, Uncle V! How are you feeling?"

Vlad appears and says."Like Hell, but I will survive." Vlad tosses him the Invisibility cloak. Danny and Vlad fly outside and sit on the rooftop.

Danny asks."So how long will it take for you to recover?" Vlad replies."I should be fine. By the time you kids go back to school."

Danny asks."I wonder what they used on you?" Vlad replies."That I dont know either. But let's avoid the goblins for now, shall we." Danny replies."Agreed, do me a favor and take it easy."

Vlad smiles and says."Will do, Little Badger."

The day before school.

Danny just took a shower and was listening to the radio when his program was interrupted by an emergency broadcast.

"The Tower bridge seems to be twisting and turning. Experts seem to have no idea what is happening. Should the bridge collapse, we expect casualties to be over a hundred people.

We will keep you informed as the situation unfolds."

Molly, who is downstairs listening as well. says with a tear."Those poor souls." Arthur Rushes in and says."Its Greyback. He is behind the attack."

Hermoine rushes into Danny's room Hugs him tightly and says softly."I know I can't stop you just promise me you come back." Danny asks emberrased."So not to ruin the mood but can you point me in the right direction?"

Hermoine points him in the right direction. Danny kisses Hermoine and says."I promise." Danny transforms and Flies off.

Danny flies toward the Tower bridge with a speed that surprises even him. He thinks."Hope im not too late."

On the bridge, Greyback laughs and licks his lips."Now, let's kill some muggles." He casts a spell. One of the clock towers falls towards a school bus.

James looks towards the TV in the marauder headquarters and thinks."Danny, if you're going to do something. Do it now."

Molly and the others at the house are weeping for the poor people when a radio broadcast says.

"I dont believe it but one of the towers passed through the bridge and it seems nobody got hurt." Arthur says."It's nothing short of a miracle."

Danny roars."Everyone get off the bridge." A small child says."Thank you, Ghost Boy."

As the people evacuate the bridge Greyback asks."And who are you supposed to be?" Danny snarls."As far as you are concerned mongrel. the Grim Reaper."

Danny walks towards Greyback who says."So you are the GhostBoy I always wanted to eat a SuperHero." Danny says with a mock smile."Im daring you to try the actual thing."

The death eaters accompanying Greyback surround him. And all aim their wands and shout."Crusio." Danny turns intangible, and the opposing death eaters are hit instead.

Danny uses a small finger ray to destroy each of their wands. Amelia Bones arrives on the scene with a small group of Aurors. Danny grabs Greyback and flies him towards the countryside.

Greyback is dazed by the sudden change of scenery and Danny Punches him straight in the Jaw Breaking it. Greyback cries out in pain and Danny breaks both of His arms and Legs for good measure.

Danny then stomps on his chest and says."End of the line." He aims an ecto ray at Greyback. And then Fenrir Greyback Knew no more.

Danny flies back. And Finds hermoine waiting in his room. He transforms back and Hugs her. Both say nothing and hold each other.

End of chapter.

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