Reunion and Ice.

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At the Fentons, James asks."So, are you ready to visit the rest of the old gang?" Remus and Sirius nod. Lily asks."When will you be back, dear?" James kisses her and says."In three days, when Jack and Danny come home."

Meanwhile, Danny and Jack are talking. Jack asks."So Danny, how are you doing?"

Danny replies."Honestly, Dad, I dont know. My life has changed so much in the last six months. My godfather, who I hated for twelve years for betraying my parents, was innocent all along. The man I respected for trying to avenge my parent's death was the traitor. And my dead parent are alive and well."

Jack says."To be honest. Son, im just as conflicted as you. It's great to Have Lily and James back. But to say this complicates things is an understatement. And then there is Sirius. His recovery is going to take a long time, and he seems to lack control now." Danny says."I saw how people react after a single encounter with those things. All things considered. He is handling it pretty well."

Jack says."Just be careful, Son." Danny says."Why dont we for the next three days? Worry about nothing except fish? And deal with that other stuff when we get back." And true to Danny's words, Jack and Danny worry about nothing except for fish. For the entire fishing trip.

Meanwhile, at the Fentons, Lily is crying. She is watching all of Danny's baby photos and movies. "I have missed so much of my son's life. Do you think he resents us?" Maddy says."No sis, if anything, he blames himself." Lily asks."Why would he blame himself?" Jazz walks in and says."That's just who Danny is."

Britain. The Greengrass residence.

Cyrus Greengrass and Adrien Davis are talking when Cyrus's wife Crystal walks in and says."Honey, you have visitors. And you know what? It's best if you see this for yourself. Because wow, I was not expecting that." Adrien says."It must be something spectacular if Crystal is shocked." Cyrus says."Grab your wand, and let us go see what is happening."

On the way, they meet Daphne and Tracy. Cyrus asks."Daphne, are you alright?" Daphne says."I was not ready for that." Cyrus asks."Okay, im getting worried now. What is going on here?" Tracy says."Just go see for yourselves because wow."

Cyrus and Adrien walk into the living room. And to their amazement. See Remus, Sirius, and James waiting for them. Sirius greets them."Constrictor, Talon, how are you two?" Cyrus recovers enough to ask."How are you alive, Prongs?"

An hour later.

Cryus asks, laughing."So you lived next door to your Sister-in-law for almost a year and waited a week before your son came home to introduce yourself?" James says."Well, in my defense, I was busy watching over my son." Crystal asks."So, can we finally meet your children? We have only been waiting for twelve years." James asks."How about the Quidditch World Cup in four weeks?"

Tracy and Daphne. Who were walking by and not eavesdropping, walk in and ask." Did someone say the Quidditch World Cup?" Sirius asks."Okay, what happened?" Adrien laughs and says."You said the magic words."

James asks."Who else should I invite?" Daphne replies."At the least, Neville Longbottom, Ron and Ginny Weasley, Hermoine Granger, Luna Lovegood." Tracy cuts in."And dont forget us, of course." James asks."So Frank's son is alive?" Adrien replies."Yes and well, but unfortunately, the same can not be said for Alice and Frank." James says."Yes, My boy told me what they did to them."

Cyrus says."It gets worse." Sirius snorts and asks."How can it be worse?" Cryus tosses them Daily Prophet.

"Azkaban Breakout.

In the most shocking news, Bellatrix and her husband Rodolphus, Lestrange. Along with Barty Crouch Junior and Peter Pettigrew. They Have escaped Azkaban Prison by stabbing the guards, and they have snuck out via the garbage shoot. These three minus Pettigrew are responsible for the torture of Alice and Frank Longbottom. And they were considered You-Know-Who's Most fanatical followers.

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