Sirius Attacks.

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Transfiguration class.

Danny is paying more attention than ever. Today is a class he has been waiting for a long time. And McGonagall, true to form. Once again has no difficulty commanding a classroom.

McGonagall says."The Animagus is a Witch or Wizard that elects to change into an animal. What the Witch and Wizard change into Depends on many things. But it's believed that the main factor is personality. Allow me to demonstrate."

Mcgonagall changes into a Cat and then back into herself again. She asks what else can any of you tell me about the Animagus ability?

Danny raises his hand, and McGonagall says."Go ahead, Mr Fenton."

Danny says."Likes and dislikes also play a factor. For instance, someone who enjoys swimming and being near water might take a Water Animagus such as a fish or frog. While a witch or wizard who prefers flying might become a bird."

Danny continues."There is a fierce debate on whether an Animagus can become a magical creature such as a Phoenix or a Dragon. But through all Of recorded history. No such transformation is said to have taken place."

Danny finishes."The most noted Animagus users are Morgan le Fey And Falco Aesalon. Falco is the very first Animagi and Inventor. According to history books."

McGonagall says."Take ten well-deserved points for Slytherin, Mr Fenton."

After class, McGonagall asks Danny to stay behind. And she asks."You seemed prepared for this class, Mr Fenton. More than usual, I might Add."

Danny says."One or Both of My parents were Animagi, so I was wondering if." McGonagall says."I would be honored to guide you in connecting with your animal form. Professor Dumbledore did the same for me many years ago."

Danny says, surprised."Professor Dumbledore is an Animagus as well?" McGonagall says."No, he is not. However, Professor Dumbledore is an excellent instructor. Whos knowledge of transfiguration even surpasses mine."

Danny says."He must be if he can teach a technique. That he has not mastered himself."

McGonagall gives Danny a list of ingredients and tells him to bring those over this weekend. Danny says he will do that.

Danny asks the others to join him. But they prefer to pursue other forms of magic. Luna, however, is intrigued. And she asks if she can join him. Danny nods and tells her that she is welcome.

McGonagall agrees but makes it clear. That both must heed her instructions to the letter. One mistake and The transformation goes wrong. With horrible consquenses.

They both promise to do everything McGonagall tells them to do. McGonagall explains to Dumbledore, who says with a twinkle in his eyes."Well, Minerva, you finally get to teach the one class. You wanted to pass to a student for years. I do have a request." McGonagall asks."What is it, Albus?"

Dumbledore says."Would you mind if I joined you? I do miss teaching a lot." McGonagall smiles and says."Of course, Albus."

Hermoine and the others are disappointed That Danny won't be joining them. But they do understand why he has chosen to remain behind. Hermoine promises Danny that she will bring The stuff. Danny wants from the village. Danny waves them off and tells them to enjoy themselves.

On the way to the classroom, Danny and Luna are talking. And Luna explains, just like his parents. Her mother was an Animagus as well. Luna asks Danny what his parent's forms were. Danny says."I know my father was a stag." Luna says."My mom was a songbird."

They enter the classroom and are surprised to see Dumbledore there as well.

In the next few hours, Danny and Luna follow every instruction that McGonagall and Dumbledore give them. And Luna proves why she is a Ravenclaw.

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