A prelude of things to come.

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Danny and the others are on the Hogwarts Express back to London. And they are talking about the events that are taking place. And After an otherwise uneventful train ride.

Danny says goodbye to his friends and wishes them a safe summer. Before he goes, He kisses Hermoine and gives her a big hug.

At the airport, he gets into the plane and sees his uncle. And his parents, along with Sirius and James.All Waiting for him.

James asks him how the train ride was, and Danny says."Nice and Quiet." James shows him the daily prophet and asks playfully. "Are you sure you're not a seer, son?"

Dumbledore genius or just insane?

Dumbledore has been removed from his position as headmaster of Hogwarts. He is also removed as chief of the Wizagamot. The Ministery is also busy with having Dumbledore removed as the Supreme Mugwump.

The Minister of Magic has declared that Dumbledore's claims about you-know-who are just a ploy to seize power from the ministry. Minerva McGonagall will be the headmistress in the coming school year. And Dumbledore is wanted for questioning by the DMLE.

Dumbledore's past also does not speak in his favor. Such as when he aligned himself with Grindelwald. If you see Dumbledore contact the aurors immediately.

Danny exclaims."You have got to be kidding me. I expected a smear campaign, yes. But not a manhunt."

Vlad says."I admit that fudge is extreme even by dirty politician standards." James adds."I guess this proves that the Ministery is going to be trouble at best and our enemy at worst."

Sirius asks."Danny, are you sure you won't join us? Surely things are different now?" Danny says."I need to make sure that my parents and sisters are safe first. Before I worry about anything else. And I got my other problem to worry about as well."

Lupin asks."The one about you and the Evil Ghost King?" Danny nods and says."I have no idea how this summer is going to unfold. So for now I need to remain a free agent. That said however if you have an emergency I will help out of course."

Lupin says."That is good enough for now."

After the flight home and the Happy reunion with the Fentons.

Danny and the adults are gathered around the table and are catching up.

Jack says."While I might not have always liked that headmaster. He did not deserve this." Maddy says."I hate to say that I agree with Danny and that it would be best to move away temporarily."

Lily asks."Can you take Rose with you as well?" Maddy hugs her sister and says playfully."Im hurt that you felt like you even had to ask."

Jazz says."But what about Hermoine's Parents they dont have the means that we do and might not even know what is going on." Danny says."I asked Uncle Vlad to take care of that one as well."

Jazz asks."But how will we contact you?" Danny says."You won't any mail or letter that might lead them to you and use you against us. Nor will any of us know where you are."

Jack says."In case you are captured you won't be able to reveal where we are hiding." Danny nods. and says."Your safety is now my main concern. You have already read and seen how far they are willing to take this."

For the next month despite the Fentons packing to move away temporarily, they catch up with Danny and the others as much as possible. and then it's time to move away.

Maddy and Jack hug Danny and tell him to be careful. Danny tells them to do the same.

As the fentons drive away James puts a hand on Danny's shoulder and says."At least they won't get hurt." Danny says."The sooner we end this the better. I will Join you, but I must do something first."

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