Training and Weather.

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James asks, shocked."So you knocked out A Cerberus in a single blow?" Danny says."That dog was about to eat my friends. I had no choice in the matter." Sirius pales and asks."Just how strong are you?" Vlad says."One way to find out.

They all head towards the Warehouse where Danny and Vlad train during the summer, and Vlad says."The first year, Daniel could lift a ton." Lily says."You are telling me. That he could lift a thousand kilos at age eleven?" Vlad says."Yes, and in his second year. That number went up to five. Last year was seven and a half. So why dont we try ten this time?"

Danny lifts the weight with ease, and Vlad says."It seems that he can lift at least ten thousand Kilos." Vlad says."All I have left to measure with is this old school bus." Danny struggles at first but manages to lift the school bus. Vlad says."I meant fifteen tons." Sirius asks."What does that mean?"

Lupin says."He can bench press you with his pinky. And yeah, it's clear that Harry is much stronger than Hagrid." Lily says."He might be the strongest person on the planet." Danny immediately shoots Lily down."I have met beings whose power far transcend mine." Sirius says."You are stronger than Dumbledore, right?" Danny says."If we were to lift weights, then yes."

James adds."But he was to fight you with his magic." Danny finishes."He may very well defeat me." Sirius says."But you have beaten me with ease." Danny says."You had a knife, not a wand." Sirius says."what about Quirell?"

Danny says."A weak wizard, desperate and egged on by a lunatic. Hardly a master wizard. And I used my mother's sacrificial magic to defeat him." Lupin asks."And the heir of Slytherin?" Danny says."Less than the shadow of a teenager. The thing is, I have no idea. How I will fair against an actual properly trained wizard."

James says."Well, I might not be at Dumbledore's level. But we can spar and see how well you do." Lupin says."Death eaters rarely hunt alone, so it might be a good idea to train him against two or even three vs one."

Vlad says."I can only help you develop your powers and advice you on how to fight against ghosts, Daniel. But I never fought a wizard before."

Sirius asks."So you are a hybrid, too?" Vlad says."Yes, and Im much stronger than Daniel." Sirius says."Yeah, I call b.s on that one." Danny says."His physical power alone is at least four times greater than mine." Sirius then makes the charming mistake. By saying."Prove it." Vlad signs and flicks Sirius across the warehouse.

James helps Sirius up and says."Tomorrow, you visit a mind healer, Padfoot. And you're not sparring today." Sirius says."I can handle it." Vlad has had enough and knocks Sirius out. Vlad says."Im sorry, but im not letting you fight my godson. When you are lacking self-control, You won't be able to hurt him with a knife. But for now, magic is a wild card."

Lupin says."that will be a situation in itself." Danny replies."Uncle V will be my godfather in the non-magical world. And Sirius will be mine in the magical world. And besides, nobody said you can't have two godparents."

Remus replies."That is a good compromise. And Sirius would be useless in the non-magical world." James asks."Are you ready, Son?"

Danny transforms and nods. Lupin and James step forward. Danny thinks to himself."My father might be rusty from his suspended animation, But he was a prodigy as a student. Remus was a defense teacher, and it is clear that, unlike Lockhart or Quirell, a professional, Not to mention a veteran of the wizarding civil war.

They have fought many battles together. And they will work together in perfect harmony. My best bet is to knock out my father first and then focus on Uncle Remus."

Jack, Maddy, and Jazz walk in and ask."Who won?" Lily says."You arrived just in time. They are about to start."

Vlad says."Begin." Lupin tries to paralyze Danny while James fires a stunner. Danny lets both spells pass through him. Lupin, who can seemingly communicate with James without saying anything, moves to one end, and James tries to trap Danny by moving toward the other end.

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