The First Weekend.

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Hogwarts, Grounds.

Danny, Hermoine, Neville, and Ron Are enjoying their Friday afternoon. Suddenly, a familiar voice greets them."Hello there." Danny says."Hey, you're the guy that brought us to the castle." Hagrid laughs and says."Always nice. to make an impression, Rubeus Hagrid. Keeper of keys and grounds at Hogwarts."

Danny replies."It's nice to meet you, Hagrid. Im Daniel Fenton, but please call me Danny." Hagrid replies."It's nice to meet you too, Danny."

Hermoine introduces herself next."Im Hermoine Granger, it's lovely to meet you, sir." Hagrid replies."Hello Hermoine, I hope you are having a good time at Hogwarts."

Ron follows."Im Ron, Ron Weasley. You know my brother Charlie talked about you all the time." Hagrid asks."Nice to meet you, Ron. How is Charlie? Hopefully, he loves Romania. I must admit im a bit jealous that he gets to work with all those dragons. I always wanted a Dragon."

Neville introduces himself next."Neville Longbottom, it's nice to meet you, Hagrid." Hagrid replies."Lovely to meet you too, Neville." Hagrid looks at danny and says."You know Danny, there is something familiar about you." Danny replies."There must be something about this face." Danny's comment causes Hagrid and the others to laugh.

Hagrid then invites the four for tea in the morning, and they all accept.

Ron and Neville then excuse themselves. They leave, and Danny and Hemoine head to the courtyard.

The courtyard.

They See Dean, Justin, And Sally-Anne. And the five get together and strike up a conversation.

Justin Asks."So, how was everyone's first week? Mine was great. Hufflepuff is amazing. Everyone is Kind and friendly." Sally-Anne says."I agree with Justin. Hufflepuff is Amazing. I do not care for Professor Snape."

Hermoine goes next."The classes here are brilliant. And I love Professor McGonagall's class." Dean says."Gryffindor is cool. The lads are great. I agree with you on Snape. But im very curious how is Slytherin Danny?"

Danny says with a sarcastic tone."Oh, it's lovely. When I first walked into the Slytherin Dungeon. I thought I made a wrong turn and found Dr. Doom's secret lair." Danny's description causes the other four to laugh.

Danny continues."Then I saw Professor Snape." Dean jokes."And that sold you on the Dr Doom thing." Danny replies."You have no idea, Anyway. I agree with Hermoine. The classes are great except for History of Magic. That class is very Boring." Justin replies."We have a History of Magic class?" Danny replies."I believe most of you call it nap time. As for Potions, I Love the class but dislike the teacher."

Hermoine then asks."What do all of you think about the wizarding world?" Danny says."As a kid who grew up in A technologically Advanced Lab. This place is a shock to the system." Dean says."I miss the telly." With Jusin agreeing. Danny asks."Telly?" Hermoine says."It's British for TV." Danny says."Yeah, me too."

Justin then jokes."I can see that Danny went from one extreme to the other." And everyone laughs again. Danny then says."It's great catching up. But I have to write to my parents. I see you all later."

Three hours later.

Danny has finished writing his letters. He has one for His Parents, One for his uncle, One for Jazz, one for Sam, and One for Tucker. Danny heads up to the great hall and Has Dinner. He makes it an early night. And Danny spends the rest of the night Training his ghost powers like he does every night.

The next morning.

Danny is waiting with Hedwig when hermoine shows up with her letter. Danny says."Hermoine meet Hedwig. Hedwig this is Hermoine." Hermoine says."She is beautiful. Did you name her after Saint Hedwig?" Danny replies."Yeah, it was the name that she liked the most." Hermoine says."She led such an Amazing life. Oh, and before I forget, Here is my letter, Danny."

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