A Son, Father, and Godfather Walk Into A Bar.

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After Everyone had Dinner, everyone retires for the night. Danny Transforms and Looks around the house With the Infi Map in his hands.

He enters a room in the house with the initials R.A.B. on the door. And Danny finds a locket that teems with Corruption.

Danny uses the Mirror his dad Gave him and says."Lemon Drop." Dumbledore asks."Daniel, what did you find?" Danny shows him the locket.

And Dumbledore explains."That is Salazar Slytherin's locket. As Tom is Salazar's heir, using his Ancestor trinket as a Horcrux would be an easy choice. But this presents a problem. The locket responds only to a Parselmouth."

Danny says."I know something that can help." He plays a recording that has him speak Parselmouth.

The locket opens, and Danny stabs it. And says."That is four." Dumbledore says."We must proceed with caution. If anyone finds out, Tom will hide the rest of them."

Danny says."Dont worry. I can do the rest of them by stealth."

The next Morning.

The friends are enjoying breakfast breakfast, and Ron asks."So Susan, how did your aunt and Sirius get together?"

Susan points to Danny and says."ask him." Danny replies."It was a tale of joy and tears. And me and my dad want to do something nice for Sirius."

Flashback. A few weeks ago, a day after the Fenton's left.

James asks."Hey, son? Can I ask for your help with something?" Danny replies."Sure, go ahead, Dad."

James starts explaining."You see, Son. Sirius and A Woman called Amelia Bones were dating in high school. And throughout the previous war."

Danny Asks."You're talking about Susan's aunt, right?" James nods and says."The very same. Naturally, it all came to an end. With Sirius landing himself in prison."

Danny says."So you want them to reconnect or get at the least some closure?" James nods and asks."So I was wondering. Danny, if you could help me. Nudge him in the right direction?"

Danny says."Sure, Uncle Sirius deserves some Happiness after all. He is been through, but I do have a question."

James says."Sure, go ahead, son." Danny asks."Why won't Uncle Sirius reach out to her?" James says."I think it's part shame and part pride. And I agree he deserves to be Happy."

Danny Smirks."I got an idea."James listens and smirks, and he says."You are a true marauders, son."

The next day.

Sirius screams joyfully."Roadtrip." Remus pulls James and Danny apart and says."He won't be happy when he finds out. The real reason for this."

Danny asks."Are you sure you won't come with us? You could use a break too from all the fighting."

Lupin says."Someone has to keep the rest of the order going while the three of you are away."

Danny says."Sorry, Uncle Remus." Lupin says."Dont worry about it. If anyone deserves a break, it's you. Just try to keep those two out of trouble."

Danny laughs and says."I will do my best, but I will make no promises." Lupin smiles and says."I would have considered you a fool if you did."

The Son, Father, and Godfather head off. After several miles, they stop at a dinner. The three get a table. And some of the locals do not look too friendly.

The three are talking when a local 'tough guy' shows up. He says."We dont take kindly to your types around here." Sirius quips."You dont take kindly to personal hygiene either."

Danny says."3. 2. 1." James feels what Sirius has just unleased Exclaims. "Oh no." The guy grabs Sirius and Punches him in the face.

James punches the guy in return. And that guy summons his friends. Danny heads outside and Transforms.

He enters the Dinner and breaks up the fight. Later that day, Danny says in a tone similar to McGonagall's while pointing his finger."Hermoine, my Sister, or mother's can Never hear about this."

James and Sirius have healed themselves up using magic. And both say."Agreed." Danny suddenly grabs Sirius and James and activates the Portkey that James made.

They land somewhere in front of an old cottage in the countryside. Danny knocks on the door while Sirius and James recover.

The door opens, and Sirius pales when he sees who is standing in the doorway.

Amelia asks."So you finally decide to show up?" Sirius says under his breath."Prongs, Spooky, you are both going to pay for this."

Sirius says."Sorry, Amy. I just needed some time to recover from my ordeal. So how about some coffee?" Danny whispers to himself."What an Idiot."

James, overhearing this, snorts and whispers."I know, right? And he dares to call me hopeless." Danny grabs the flowers that are Amelia's favorite and tells Sirius."Oy mutt, you forgot something."

Amelia looks at Sirius and Signs."Okay, but only because you brought flowers."

James and Danny are struggling greatly. To not burst out laughing. James says."Have fun, you crazy kids." Danny adds."And dont come back too late."

Sirius whispers to Amelia."If we ever get kids, He becomes the godfather. Let him walk in my shoes for a change." Amelia whispers, smiling."It could be worse." Both shudder."Draco."

End of Flashback.

The kids are on the floor laughing about this. Hermoine kisses Danny and says."It's so mature of you to talk those aggressive men down."

Daphne rolls her eyes, Snorts, and says."Yeah, like that is what happened."

Danny hissingly says."fine, my dad and Sirius pissed everyone off. And I had to bail them out. Happy now?" Daphne laughs and says."Someone has to keep you honest."

Tracy snorts and says."Yeah, it's just a shame it has to be the one Slytherin who is more dodgier than you."

Daphne said." shut up, Trace, you know you love me." Tracy kisses Daphne and says."That I do."

Everyone is shocked by this Except for Danny. Hermoine asks."Did you know about this?"

Danny says."From the day of the Yule ball." Hermoine asks."Why did you not tell anyone?" Danny replies."It was not my story to tell." And kisses Hermoine.

Suddenly, Molly Weasley Roars and screams."Just because you two are allowed to use magic now does not give you the right to use your wands for everything."

Danny signs in relief and says."Oh, thank god." Ron asks."Why are you so relieved, mate?" Hermoine says."He was afraid Molly found out he gave the twins the start-up money."

Suddenly, Molly Weasley Roars from behind."THAT WAS YOU?"

End of Chapter.

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