Hem, Hem.

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Danny is heading to the Hogwarts Express along with his friends. They enter the train, and the Prefects of the group head towards the prefect meeting.

In the Prefect compartment, They meet the head boy and Head girl. The head boy, Cedric Diggory, explains what their job is. As prefects, he also assigns Hermoine and Danny to patrol the train together.

As they patrol the train, they encounter Draco, who seems alone and afraid. Danny asks if Draco needs any help, but Draco rejects it. The train ride is otherwise uneventful.

And so is the carriage ride towards Hogwarts. After the first years are done getting sorted. McGonagall begins her opening speech.

"Welcome to another year at Hogwarts. As you can see from the teacher's table, there have been some changes.

Allow me to introduce to you all your new transfiguration Professor. Professor Potter. Next to him is your new Defence against the Dark Arts Professor. Professor Black.

And last but not least, Professor Umbridge, the history of magic Professor. I hope you will treat each of them with respect."

McGonagall is about to continue her speech when suddenly. "Hem, Hem." is said by the Professor dressed in pink. McGonagall, who is visibly annoyed, asks.

"Is there something wrong, Deloris?" Umbridge steps forward and gives the most blatant propaganda speech Danny has ever heard live. Afterward, Danny and Daphne guide the first years back to the dungeons.

After Snape finishes his yearly introduction to the New students, He tells Danny that the headmistress wishes to see him.

Danny heads to McGonagall's office, and He finds Hermoine, Ernie, and the female fifth-year Ravenclaw prefect waiting for them.

McGonagall walks into her office along with the heads of houses that now seem to include James. Also present is the new history teacher.

McGonagall asks."So, How did the first years settle in?" Danny replies."It's a mix of a little bit of shock and a large amount of amazement. I felt similar in my first year. Professor." Hermoine and the others make the same kind of statements.

After finishing their reports, Headmistress McGonagall tells them there will be changes coming In the following weeks.

McGonagall dismisses everyone and tells Danny and Hermoine to start their first patrol. As the teachers disperse for the day and Danny and Hermoine are alone, a cat, Patronus, asks them to return to the headmistress's office.

As Hermoine and Danny walk into the office, McGonagall says."Now, we can finally have an actual conversation. How do both of you feel about the new history Professor?"

Hermoine replies."Professor, it's clear that the ministry is here to spy on us. And that speech she gave means that they will hinder our education."

Danny replies in a level of sarcasm that even gods will envy."I think she is just delightful. Those loving eyes and she clearly states that she wants us to be friends. Not to mention that perfect fashion sense."

His tone switches to normal, And he asks and signs."Im going to end up killing her, dont I?."

Sirius and James Are crying with laughter as they walk in, having overheard everything. McGonagall replies."I hope it won't come to that."

Danny asks."If you two morons are here, who is leading the marauders?" James replies."Amelia until I return. She is done with fudge and his never-ending nonsense.

Plus she worked with Moody before and the two are coordinating our groups together.

We took the posts to that the ministry dont have access to the vital classes."

Danny replies."Yeah, that makes sense. Anyway, I know what the next item is and thanks to Luna I know who to ask." McGonagall asks."Who could have access to such information?" Danny replies."The Grey Lady."

McGonagall says."But she won't leave Ravenclaw Tower. How will you be able to talk to her." Danny is weighing his options James asks McGonagall."Minny, if we reveal this to you. You must make an unbreakable vow never to reveal what is shown here."

McGonagall says."I accept and Mr Potter if you ever call me that again I will hex you into oblivion." Danny tells McGonagall to follow him to a place without the paintings to be able to overhear them.

When they are alone Danny Transforms. Danny says."Before Hogwarts started I became Half Human/Half ghost." McGonagall asks."Who knows?"

Danny replies."My parents all four of them, Both my Godfathers, Uncle Remus, My sister, My childhood friends, Hermoine And Dumbledore."

McGonagall replies."Of course, Albus knows he always does." McGonagall walks back outside with Danny and makes the vow.

McGonagall then says."It's time for you two to start your patrol. Here is a list of items I want the two of you to check out. The next time, you can collect your assignment list from the head boy and Girl."

Danny and Hermoine walk off and right on cue They are accosted by Umbridge who asks."What did you discuss with the Headmistress?"

Danny replies."She gave us a list of things we were to do and observe while on patrol Professor. She felt the school system was in dire need of an upgrade. If you want Professor you can read the list."

Umbridge replies with fake sweetness in her voice."That won't be necessary it's clear that Minerva intends to run a tight ship. Now off you go."

And for the rest of the evening, Danny and Hermoine do the job McGonagall assigns them. When Danny has escorted Hermoine back to the Gryffindor tower they kiss goodnight and Danny heads back to the Slytherin dungeon.

When he arrives at the dungeon he is appalled by what he finds sees Draco beaten and broken on the floor. while Crabbe and Goyle walk away laughing.

Danny roars and yells."DONT MOVE DUMB AND DUMBER." Crabbe replies."The Dark Lord is back which means you can't touch us." Danny replies with a smirk."Are you sure about that?"

Goyle says."Yeah, you and your family are finished and then we have fun with your little Mudblood."

Danny Grabs Goyle and Breaks his nose with a single blow. Danny replies by saying."Oh yes very impressive." Crabbe yells out."Now." And then Danny finds himself surrounded by the death eater kids.

End of Chapter.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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