Christmas, Firebolts, and Godfathers.

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It's almost Christmas again. Vlad, true to his word, Has returned and Put Danny to the Wringer. Vlad has begun to instruct Danny on how to Duplicate Himself. Vlad says he will pick him and Hermoine up next week to spend Christmas at the Fenton's.

Hermoine is glad to be able to spend time again with Jazz. And to get away from Ron. On the day, however, she has great difficulty taking Crookshanks with her. She asks Danny to transform and Asks Crookshanks why he refuses to come along.

Danny Transforms into his animal form and, after talking with Crookshanks, says."Okay, that was weird." Hermoine asks."What's wrong, Danny?" Danny replies."Crookshanks promised to Help the Dog kill the Rat." Hermoine asks."Why would a dog want to kill Ron's Rat?" Danny says he has no idea. But the train awaits.

Danny tells Crookshanks that he can keep his promise after Christmas. Crookshanks calms down and goes in Hermoine's travel basket.

Danny and Hermoine are talking about the things. They want to go to Londen for Christmas. And the movies they want to see. Danny, for his part, can't shake the feeling there is more to Crookshanks's story than meets the eye. But he has to wait until school to ask Crookshanks what he means.

At Kings Cross, Maddy, Jack, and Vlad wait for them. And Maddy says."Im sorry that your parents had to go to that convention. But we hope you have a great time with us instead." Hermoine replies."Im sure that I will thank you for having me over, Mrs. Fenton."

Maddy says."Anytime Dear. After all, you and your family were most gracious hosts to Danny." Hermoine turns red and says." Me, I mean, we like having Danny around." Danny says."I like having you around, too."

Maddy says."We better get out of here before the weather turns." Hermoine, for her part, is shocked that Danny's mysterious uncle and Godfather is none other than Billionaire Vlad Masters.

At Vlad's English mansion, Jack advises Danny to tell Hermoine his final secret. Danny says."I guess I put it off for as long as I could." Jack says."Im sure you can trust her Son." Danny says."I will tell her tonight."

That night, after everyone retires, Danny asks Hermoine to stay behind. Rather than to say anything, He presses his watch and Transforms.

Hermoine smiles and says."I already knew that for like two years." Danny asks."How?" Hermoine says."That night in the trophy room, I recognized your handwriting. That's why I asked you who it might be." Danny says."Why did you not say anything?"

Hermoine says."I assumed you were not ready to share it. That's why I was so surprised to hear about Your Birthname instead. I thought you were going to tell me that you were Ghostboy." Danny says, ashamed."I guess I have not been honest at all."

Hermoine says."You barely knew me at the time. And I kept the time turner hidden from you as well." Danny asks."No more secrets?" Hermoine smiles and says."No more Secrets." They hug for a long while. And, unknown to the other, both are blushing.

On Christmas Day, Hermoine calls with Her Parents. And After opening most Presents. To Everyone's shock, there is a brand new Broomstick. Hermoine says."That's a Firebolt. I wonder who sent it. It has no card." Danny asks his Parents and Uncle if they buy it, And they all shake their heads.

Hermoine and Danny look at each other. And at the same time, say."Sirius Black." Danny asks."Did it arrive by owl?" Jack confirms that it did. Danny activates his watch and transforms into his Ghostmode. Hermoine says."Danny, wait, there is another way." Danny asks."What do you mean?"

Jazz says."Have the school check it for Curses and Jinxes." Danny writes a note to Dumbledore telling him that the broomstick had no note and that he and his family are worried Due to the last incident with his broomstick. He sends Hedwig with the firebolt that very night.

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