Daniel Tri-Wizard Champion.

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After the opening feast, Danny heads down to the Slytherin dungeons. Snape gives his introduction speech to the new Slytherins. He asks Danny to follow him. Danny follows Snape.

And Snape begins."I must Im shocked to find out. You are, in fact, James Potter's son." Danny says."Whatever happened between you and Him does not concern me." Snape asks."How do you feel about what transpired at the World Cup?" Danny says."Finish Hogwarts and Leave this dumpsterfire of a world behind. Good night, Professor."

At the staff meeting. Snape tells the others what Danny told him, and Flitwick asks."Can you blame him for feeling this way?" McGonagall replies."Of course not. That was a travesty of Justice."

Dumbledore says."Cornelius always was a fool. Blinded by wealth and status." Sprout says."My house prefects came to me and said they wished for Potter or Fenton to be the school representative. For the tournament." Flitwick says."Mine had similar opinions." McGonagall says."As did mine."

Snape nods in agreement. Dumbledore says."After the events that took place at the cup, There is no way Daniel will agree to such things. Nonetheless, I will ask him to consider it."

The next day.

Dumbledore says."And that's why we would like you to consider it. being the school tri-wizard champion." Danny says."Considering I will end up in this tournament. One way or the other, I might as well agree."

Dumbledore says."I will let the others know of your decision." Danny says."Let's get one thing clear. This tournament is a trap." Dumbledore says."I know you are angry, but try not to let it consume you." Danny says."no promises there."

Meanwhile, A duel between Draco and Ron gets out of hand. And Hermoine is hit by a stray curse. Danny hears about it, Hermoine, Being Cursed by Malfoy. Danny Runs to the Hospital wing and holds Hermoine's hand.

Draco is boasting in the Slytherin dungeons when Daphne says."And what do you think Danny is going to do to you? Your mongrel of a father tried to kill him. And now you are dumb enough to enrage the one Slytherin you have never managed to beat." Tracy asks."What kind of flowers would you like for your funeral?"

Draco says."Im not afraid of Potter." Daphne says."have you forgotten about Lockhart, Quirell, and Lupin? Danny Killed one of them and injured another one while that one was a werewolf. And Completely humiliated Lockhart." Tracy says."Danny can do that to adults. Just think what he can do to you."

Meanwhile, at the hospital wing, Hermoine Madam Pomfrey has shrunk Hermoine's teeth.

Ron, Neville, Ginny, The twins, Luna, Susan, and Ernie tell him what happened and Danny says."I will handle it." Danny rushes off to find Draco And thinks."Oh peacock, you will suffer."

Danny finds Draco and Grabs him by the head. And most of the school follows with bated breath. Danny drags him to the nearest toilet, Pushes Draco's head into a toilet bowl, and Flushes it.

All the students gathered start laughing and start Calling Draco a piece of shit.

Danny pulls Draco out of the toilet and whispers."Next time, I won't nearly be as nice." Danny says."From now on, anyone that hurts Hermoine will answer to me."Danny walks off. And to say that everyone knew an hour later was an understatement.

Hermoine, for her part, can't approve of what Danny did. But at the same time. Hermoine Is overjoyed. Danny was willing to stand up for her in public.

The other friends, however, think it's the most brilliant thing ever. The teachers overhear what happened. as well. And they all approve of how Danny handled it. But Dumbledore still punishes both boys, Draco for hexing a student and Danny for humiliating Draco.

Danny serves Detention with Dumbledore. And for a specific reason. Dumbledore explains."I managed to find the ring." Danny says."We are going to need the sword of Gryffindor to succeed. Or We need the fangs from the basilisk to destroy it."

Dumbledore says."The Sword of Gryffindor could disappear to aid a Gryffindor in need." Danny says."Fangs it is. We are going to need gloves. The poison is highly destructive." Dumbledore says."I always wanted to see the fabled Chamber of Secrets."

Dumbledore conjures some gloves, And Danny Turns both Him and Dumbledore intangible and enters the chamber of secrets.

They find the corpse of the basilisk, and they take two fangs with them. Dumbledore tells Danny to hold on. And Dumbledore apparates Danny and him to the house of the gaunt family.

They look around when Dumbledore finds the ring. He is about to put it on when Danny slaps it out of his hand and says."Those things are full of Dark magic. Who knows what kind of effect it might have on you."

Dumbledore says."It seems I was careless. You may have very well saved my life, Daniel." Danny asks."Why did you try to wear it?" Dumbledore says."The stone is part of a trinity of items known as the deadly hallows."

Danny says."Let me guess, my family's cloak is one of them." Dumbledore chuckles and nods. Danny transforms. Danny Grabs the ring and pulls off the stone. Dumbledore says."Im amazed by your strength."

Danny says."Now you can study the stone in peace without the ring." Dumbledore stabs the ring with the basilisk fang. And it is destroyed. Danny tosses Dumbledore the stone. And Dumbledore apparates them back to Hogwarts.

Back at Hogwarts, Dumbledore asks."What do you know about the Deathly Hallows, Daniel? Danny replies."Nothing at all, Professor. It's the first time I've heard about them."

Dumbledore says."In short, whoever collects all three Hallows shall become a master of death." Danny snorts and says."For me, that ship has set sail three years ago." Dumbledore says."Yes, I wonder if you are truly immune to the killing curse. Danny laughs and says."Let's not find out, shall we." Dumbledore chuckles and says."Now, that is something I can't argue with."


Dumbledore begins."Let me first welcome the students of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic." The doors open. In the great hall walk, the students. Along with the giant headmistress. Who is almost as tall as Hagrid. Dumbledore continues."And from the high north. The Durmstrang Institute." The Durmstrang students walk in, led by the Quidditch player from the finals.

The Next day

Dumbledore says."And now we come to the selection of the tournament. But let me make one thing clear. If chosen, you will stand alone." The first Note comes out of the cup.

Dumbledore reads the name and says."For Drumstrang, The champion is Victor Krum." The second piece of paper flies out of the cup. Dumbledore says."For Beauxbatons, the champion is Fleur Delacour." And then the last Note flies out. And Dumbledore says."Chosen by nearly every student vote. The Hogwarts Champion is Daniel Harry James Potter."

Danny and the other champions head down, and the teachers walk down. Danny meets all of the Headmasters. And the leaders of the tournament.

The Tri-Wizard tournament has officially begun.

End of chapter.

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