Lakeside Fireflies

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You sat quietly on the park bench, enjoying the silence that came from a late night stroll into your local park. The air had a chill to it, bad enough for you to bring your hoodie with you, the currents of the invisible force letting the trees accompany the still lake with a symphony of gentle fluttering of leaves. You loved this park at night, especially around this time of year when the fireflies came out, the soft twinkling of their lights cast a magical haze on the quiet spot.

You smiled as a squirrel hopped past you, its mini jumps tickling you as it climbed up the tree.

The night had been painted with deep blues and near black indigo. The clouds Scarce so the moon could be seen shining like a spotlight, its silvery light sending near white highlights onto evreything.

You get so lost in the environment that you don't notice the stranger until he is right behind you and speaks.

"The moons beautiful tonight, isn't it?"

You jump and turn, expecting to see an unfamiliar face only to be greeted by someone you've not seen for years. Your old crush from school, though his features have refined and his voice has stopped breaking, you recognise that Kelpie necklace anywhere.

"Brian? You..."

You trail off as you take in his appearance, his cheeky grin spreading his cheeks into a set of warm peaches.

"-changed? Yeah, i started riding horses and swimming, not at the same time but...yeah. Also, I had another growth spurt, i now push...5ft11 almost 6ft... I think..."

He turns his head up when he thinks on it, his Adams apple prominently on display. He's wearing a thick jumper of cream colour and his kelpie necklace perched on the rim of the neckline. He has grown his hair out, loose around his shoulders, his blonde hair dyed pink or orange at the tips, hard to see in this light. His roman nose framed his face nicely, his eyes almost moss green, his trousers were a basic denim and held up by a regular leather belt, this close he smelled of horses, chlorine and bacon.

"-anyway, how're you? I've not seen you for years."

You swallow saliva to moisten your throat enough to talk, nerves gripping your insides like they used to in school, only now you feel an attraction to him that sends blood to your cheeks.

"Im good, got a job at a garden centre, i work in a lawn mower department and help people sort out their garden on occasion."

His eyes don't leave yours as you talk. You can't help but continue.

"I've gotten three tattoos, one on my shoulder, chest, and thigh. Izzey passed a year ago. I've since adopted an older cat who I've named Fred."


He barks a laugh, his canines drawing your eyes a moment before you're smiling yourself.

"Yeah Fred, dont ask me why, i started shouting at the tele, and he just trotted up. So...Fred"

His smile makes your heart flip, almost making you jump with it when his grin softens into a smile you can't quite discern.

"I tell you what, im glad you're here. I'd be shitting bricks if you were someone else."

You relax, unintentionally leaning toward him.

"Yeah, with how sudden you were behind me,anyone else i would'a ran"

You adjust your glasses and start fiddling with the zipper of your hoodie.

"Fair, though if you decided to run anyway, i coulda caught up with ya."

You smile, remembering how he would shift to his kelpie form and let you jump on his back. He was much smaller then, thinking of it, you need to ask.

"Yeah, i know, though i have ta ask. Did i ever hold you too tightly around your neck? I remember holding onto you really tightly when you'd let me ride you. "

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